Hey, share girl, share! Yeah I thought that maybe it was one of you two as well. >.> BTW sorry I havn't posted another wallie. . .my computer died. >.>
Now to the actual person that made this:
OMG ITS WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *huggles soujiro* Its so pretty and just amazing. Kudos to you. >.<
OXO OH MY LOVE *tackles Sojiro* X3 I don't think you know, but Creme of Rolo and I are currently in a Sojiro wallpaper making battle, and the first thing that came to mind when I saw this was that maybe it was Creme's. I nearly had a heart attack because this is just wonderful! ;A; OMG I love it *hugs and favs*
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/11/09 | Reply
awww i love it ! its a nice simple wallie , amazing bac ground kolors and effects !! and not 2 motion he really good lookin and kute !!.... giggle

Sand Heart
Otaku Eternal | Posted 10/31/09 | Reply
oh my You really admired, well thank you for your comments.
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/30/09 | Reply
I like this character, too. Even I love Battousai most, but Sojiro is also strong ! N his smile is cute.
Creme Of Rolo
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 10/29/09 | Reply
Hey, share girl, share! Yeah I thought that maybe it was one of you two as well. >.> BTW sorry I havn't posted another wallie. . .my computer died. >.>
Now to the actual person that made this:
OMG ITS WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *huggles soujiro* Its so pretty and just amazing. Kudos to you. >.<
The Dreamer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/27/09 | Reply
This is amazing! I really like the pics you used especially the gaze. Awesome background and brushes with it, too.
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/27/09 | Reply
OXO OH MY LOVE *tackles Sojiro* X3 I don't think you know, but Creme of Rolo and I are currently in a Sojiro wallpaper making battle, and the first thing that came to mind when I saw this was that maybe it was Creme's. I nearly had a heart attack because this is just wonderful! ;A; OMG I love it *hugs and favs*