I havent really seen any info on characters for 13 but regardless of that I think you did a really good job on this wallpaper. I like how the purple mixes not only with the character but also with the background (meaning it doesnt look like you just cut and paste ff pictures onto a sparkly background - you meshed it very well).
I also really like how your signature is tastefully done and not consuming the entire wallpaper. It actually blends with the whole thing.
Otakuite+ | Posted 11/06/09 | Reply
hoh..!this wallie really cool and nice...i really like it...

just like the others you have did a very great job..
good luck next time..!
Otakuite+ | Posted 11/04/09 | Reply
WoooO..I love this wallpaper and love this character as well.The character looks beutiful..
Otakuite+ | Posted 11/03/09 | Reply
lol at vector avatar.....perv.....i O_O never knew of this charater
Otakuite++ | Posted 11/03/09 | Reply
thank you for your sweet comment
Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/03/09 | Reply
I havent really seen any info on characters for 13 but regardless of that I think you did a really good job on this wallpaper. I like how the purple mixes not only with the character but also with the background (meaning it doesnt look like you just cut and paste ff pictures onto a sparkly background - you meshed it very well).
I also really like how your signature is tastefully done and not consuming the entire wallpaper. It actually blends with the whole thing.
Ya-ha! Good job!