No, I didnt forget her. I purposely left her out because she is not a true Mew Mew. She has TWO animals dna's, her weapon is NOT an instrument, her outfit isnt berry-colored, and she has NO mew mark, and she is also a complete Mary-Sue and the creator's own knockoff fancharacter of Ichigo.
Thus, she does not earn a place in my wallpaper and, I say, she shouldnt be a Mew.
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 05/07/11 | Reply
Oh ok sorry to ask you that
Val's chibi kitty (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/07/11 | Reply
No, I didnt forget her. I purposely left her out because she is not a true Mew Mew. She has TWO animals dna's, her weapon is NOT an instrument, her outfit isnt berry-colored, and she has NO mew mark, and she is also a complete Mary-Sue and the creator's own knockoff fancharacter of Ichigo.
Thus, she does not earn a place in my wallpaper and, I say, she shouldnt be a Mew.
like a BOSS.
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 05/07/11 | Reply
You for got Mew berry
Val's chibi kitty (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/03/10 | Reply
Thankies! :3
I'll check out your rp~
like a BOSS.
Grand Otaku | Posted 01/03/10 | Reply
AW!!! Is cute!!! I<3 TMM! I even made an rp recently. (is not very big yet... >.<)
They're all so CUTE!!!! ^_\