Cool middle image you have used. This is the first time I have seen it. I wish Judai can be more of a cool type of person like Yusei and Atemu but still he's alright. Mind if you can PM me the source or link of (the middle image) where did you get it? I wish to add it into my Yu-Gi-Oh image collection hehe.
Btw, thanks for the dedication. The collage is indeed an awesome image (I have it in my collection) but never seen anyone use it before for a wallie. Great job!
Sorry if my comment is long and btw I'm a (hardcore)Yu-Gi-Oh fangirl hehe
The first thing I say when I see this wallpaper is :
I really love this one ! Especially the picture that u use. Love them ! (well ... especially Atem, though). Hey, may I know where d u get that picture ? I wanna make a wallpaper using that picture, too !
Now retired (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/19/10 | Reply
wow! only 2 comments...what? great job
Grand Otaku | Posted 01/03/10 | Reply
Cool middle image you have used. This is the first time I have seen it. I wish Judai can be more of a cool type of person like Yusei and Atemu but still he's alright. Mind if you can PM me the source or link of (the middle image) where did you get it? I wish to add it into my Yu-Gi-Oh image collection hehe.
Btw, thanks for the dedication. The collage is indeed an awesome image (I have it in my collection) but never seen anyone use it before for a wallie. Great job!
Sorry if my comment is long and btw I'm a (hardcore)Yu-Gi-Oh fangirl hehe
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/02/10 | Reply
The first thing I say when I see this wallpaper is :
I really love this one ! Especially the picture that u use. Love them ! (well ... especially Atem, though). Hey, may I know where d u get that picture ? I wanna make a wallpaper using that picture, too !