Wow this is amazing as well. This is the best Kaiba wallpaper I have EVER seen. Seriously this is so awesome. You did such a good job with the effects and the firey background is intense. It fits Kaiba really well and thanks for the wallpaper,I really like it a lot. This is really amazing,just really amazingly awesome
King of LLamas (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/18/10 | Reply
@Rainbow Dragon:
Yay!!! Imma sooo glad u like it!!!!! ^U^
C yaz‼ ☼
King of LLamas (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/18/10 | Reply
Thankx!!! :D
C yaz‼ ^___^
Rainbow Dragon
☠Eastsider✰Pirate☠ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/17/10 | Reply
Wow this is amazing as well. This is the best Kaiba wallpaper I have EVER seen. Seriously this is so awesome. You did such a good job with the effects and the firey background is intense. It fits Kaiba really well and thanks for the wallpaper,I really like it a lot. This is really amazing,just really amazingly awesome
The Dreamer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/17/10 | Reply
Awesome!! The fiery background fits him really well. This is intense!