This looks lovely, nice and wintery ^^ I think you both did a lovely job, your friend is indeed very talented at panting hair. I think it is fun to see things like this when more than one person has contributed ^^ *applauds both of you*
Awww, so beautiful<3 I love it, you both did a really great work^^ Indeed, the hair looks marvelous and colours are wonderful. I like Ritsuka's mouth<3
Absentminded One (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/13/10 | Reply
Aha! I knew when I saw this wallpaper featured on here it was well made and lovely; so when I found out that it was one of your wallpapers I wasn't surprised. It's absolutely fantastic, darling. <3
Wow what a gorgeous wallpaper! The painting of this is so smooth and simply flawless, the detailed coloring on the hair is really breathtaking! But of course, your coloring of just Ritsuka himself is very good too twin^^ I always love seeing painted walls from you since you put so much hardwork into them. Very lovely~
And of course the sparkles just make everything better. X3 Got to love sparkles!
Wonderful and beautiful job Kels! Great job to your friend as well! You two make a great team^^ Keep up the amazing work!
MMM MMM MMM there is nothing better than seeing a bad boy with a sensitive side to him. That's good stuff right there, I could lift a glass of wine to this
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/23/10 | Reply
This looks lovely, nice and wintery ^^ I think you both did a lovely job, your friend is indeed very talented at panting hair. I think it is fun to see things like this when more than one person has contributed ^^ *applauds both of you*
Otakuite | Posted 03/07/10 | Reply
Ow angel-zakuro you are the sweetest friend *hugs* =D
and i am glad to help you..and i really had fun working with you on this collab too! ^_^
Otakuite+ | Posted 02/14/10 | Reply
Awww, so beautiful<3 I love it, you both did a really great work^^ Indeed, the hair looks marvelous and colours are wonderful. I like Ritsuka's mouth<3
Absentminded One (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/13/10 | Reply
Aha! I knew when I saw this wallpaper featured on here it was well made and lovely; so when I found out that it was one of your wallpapers I wasn't surprised. It's absolutely fantastic, darling. <3
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/13/10 | Reply
even though it has less "filling" and details, I like this wallie more than the previous one (and I loved that one!).
you did a wonderful job on him (you & Sashinka).
although, I think you missed a spot on his ear (near the end of his ear lobe). I dunno, it looks odd.
I think you did a great job! fancy background or not! <(^.^<)
innocent heart
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/13/10 | Reply
Wow what a gorgeous wallpaper! The painting of this is so smooth and simply flawless, the detailed coloring on the hair is really breathtaking! But of course, your coloring of just Ritsuka himself is very good too twin^^ I always love seeing painted walls from you since you put so much hardwork into them. Very lovely~
And of course the sparkles just make everything better. X3 Got to love sparkles!
Wonderful and beautiful job Kels! Great job to your friend as well! You two make a great team^^ Keep up the amazing work!
Otaku Legend | Posted 02/13/10 | Reply
Beautiful wallpaper! *hugs* Wow, the colors are so beautiful and the emotion is so perfect. Thanks for sharing more art with us! ^___^
Have a great day!
Angel Zakuro
bird nerd. (Otaku Angel) | Posted 02/12/10 | Reply
@Teapot Domescam:
Then lift that glass, girl. *cheers* Hehe, thanks so much! ^_^
Teapot Domescam
Otaku Legend | Posted 02/12/10 | Reply
MMM MMM MMM there is nothing better than seeing a bad boy with a sensitive side to him. That's good stuff right there, I could lift a glass of wine to this
Otaku Legend | Posted 02/12/10 | Reply
Nice job, Angel Zakuro! I love this one. IT's so peaceful. Everything just falls into place with this one. It's proportioned nicely too. Great job!