O_O This is a just great wallpaper of him!! Hehehe, I was wanted to make a wallie with this Vector too X3
I love the black/white-effects and the Brushes you used.. And the Vector looks cool XDDD Hehehe, and I'm glad that you made a wallie of him Yeah... I have many characters, sorry for this!! >-<
Anyway... The wallie looks great I'm so glad that you made it (Ahhh..! I already wrote that XD) Thank you so much!!!
Grand Otaku | Posted 02/22/10 | Reply
O_O This is a just great wallpaper of him!!
Hehehe, I was wanted to make a wallie with this Vector too X3
Yeah... I have many characters, sorry for this!! >-<
I'm so glad that you made it (Ahhh..! I already wrote that XD)
I love the black/white-effects and the Brushes you used.. And the Vector looks cool XDDD Hehehe, and I'm glad that you made a wallie of him
Anyway... The wallie looks great
Thank you so much!!!
Murder Princess
Chii-chan (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/22/10 | Reply
woah i love it!