hehe~! thankies~!! you said a lot and i appreciate them all~!!
btw, i wanted to do one for fai too but i was in a rush since there were so many things to do at school and my computer was formatted so i have to reinstall photoshop~
The Dreamer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/12/10 | Reply
WOW!! Amazing coloring job and combination!! I love how the manga strips blend in the background efforlessly and the colored scans fit the serious mood. I also really like how you used other people's quotes to define him to. Awesome!! This may be my favorite Kurogane wallpaper ever!!!
Otakuite | Posted 03/16/10 | Reply
hehe~!! thankies~! I was actually surprised myself
The Dreamer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/15/10 | Reply
Congrats on winning the contest!! You deserved it!
Otakuite | Posted 03/12/10 | Reply
hehe~! thankies~!! you said a lot and i appreciate them all~!!

btw, i wanted to do one for fai too but i was in a rush since there were so many things to do at school and my computer was formatted so i have to reinstall photoshop~
The Dreamer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/12/10 | Reply
WOW!! Amazing coloring job and combination!! I love how the manga strips blend in the background efforlessly and the colored scans fit the serious mood. I also really like how you used other people's quotes to define him to. Awesome!! This may be my favorite Kurogane wallpaper ever!!!