Garou Mark? @___@; What's that? A new KoF team I assume? Correct me if I'm wrong. Owh I know Kyo and Ralf are tough, but I'm not sure if Kim is. Mebbe 'cause I dunno how to use him well in battles? DX
XD LOL thankies again for the compliment, and for liking the wallie. It's been a while since I last made one though.
Kim's sons are in Garou Mark of the wolf as well as the son of Geese Howard.
Well its ok, But Kim loves his wife a lot. Well I usually play with Kyo, Kim and Ralf. This my killer team (even though other players always beat me XDD)...
Awesome wallpaper coz its dedicated to me. Haha. Am just kidding. Really awesome wallpaper.
Thank you for doing it.
Last edited by ray24 at 5:05:31 AM EDT on May 20, 2010.
I may not be smart enough to do anything, but I am dumb enough to try anything. ;p
Whaa for real?! I'm sooo happy that you love this wallie! When you requested for Kim, I was kinda clueless as what to do 'cause I'm not familiar with him. But it feels great that it turned out well. Thankies so much Ray.
Naaah, liking someone like Kim won't make you uncool. There are loads of people like you Ray~ But too bad I'm on the bad guys' side! XD
Ahhh I'm sorry I left out his wife! DX And yeah, I've read about Kim's sons but I've never actually seen them. Mebbe they look like their dad? XD
Capo Di Tutti Capi (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/20/10 | Reply
Garou Mark? @___@; What's that? A new KoF team I assume? Correct me if I'm wrong. Owh I know Kyo and Ralf are tough, but I'm not sure if Kim is. Mebbe 'cause I dunno how to use him well in battles? DX
XD LOL thankies again for the compliment, and for liking the wallie. It's been a while since I last made one though.
Ser Pounce a Lot (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/20/10 | Reply
Kim's sons are in Garou Mark of the wolf as well as the son of Geese Howard.
Well its ok, But Kim loves his wife a lot. Well I usually play with Kyo, Kim and Ralf. This my killer team (even though other players always beat me XDD)...
Awesome wallpaper coz its dedicated to me. Haha. Am just kidding. Really awesome wallpaper.
Thank you for doing it.
Last edited by ray24 at 5:05:31 AM EDT on May 20, 2010.
I may not be smart enough to do anything, but I am dumb enough to try anything. ;p
Capo Di Tutti Capi (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/20/10 | Reply
Whaa for real?! I'm sooo happy that you love this wallie!
When you requested for Kim, I was kinda clueless as what to do 'cause I'm not familiar with him. But it feels great that it turned out well. Thankies so much Ray.
But too bad I'm on the bad guys' side! XD
Naaah, liking someone like Kim won't make you uncool. There are loads of people like you Ray~
Ahhh I'm sorry I left out his wife! DX And yeah, I've read about Kim's sons but I've never actually seen them. Mebbe they look like their dad? XD
Ser Pounce a Lot (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/20/10 | Reply
I love it!!!!! It is so well done. And you are right, I love players with a strong sense of justice (am I uncool??).
You forgot to mention that kim likes his sons and his precious wife. I am touchy in those matters LOL.
Well Kim got 2 sons, Kim Jae Hoon (Kim's younger version and my personal fav) and Kim Dong Hwan (A slacker but strong warrior)
I forgot his wife's name but this wallpaper is soo cool, I never saw this pic of Kim.
THANK YOU a lot Hanawa.
I may not be smart enough to do anything, but I am dumb enough to try anything. ;p
Capo Di Tutti Capi (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/19/10 | Reply
"Aku" is derived from "Akuma" meaning Demon/Evil. Owh Kim is a regular character in KoF but is not as famous as Kyo, Iori, Terry, K'Dash etc.
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 05/19/10 | Reply
"Aku wa yurusanai!!!!!"
That's odd, I've never seen this character before...does this mean, I'm way behind everyone in term of KOF games?