Grand Otaku | Posted 07/24/10 | Reply
I honestly cannot say. But, I got it from this website it's like...ThinkIdea or something. I just searched "fantasy quotes" on google~ Thank you, again!
Oooh, yes, it does work~ What's the quote from?
...and what's up with Mikuru and being a mage-thing? It seems random to me. :U
Grand Otaku | Posted 07/24/10 | Reply
I honestly cannot say. But, I got it from this website it's like...ThinkIdea or something. I just searched "fantasy quotes" on google~
Thank you, again! 
Grand Otaku | Posted 07/24/10 | Reply
Oooh, yes, it does work~
What's the quote from?
...and what's up with Mikuru and being a mage-thing? It seems random to me. :U