Awww It's alright. ^^ I'm sure you'll find something lots of ppl will enter for the next one, ne? I'm sorry this is late, I was working on finishing it and forgot the deadline. ^^;
LOL I adore him. He's really a smart allec, to be honest...but his attitude and the way he carries himself makes me love him more <3 Plus...he fights with a folding epic is that? XDD
You're welcome! ^^ "I" thought it was a good idea for a contest ;)
Oh, thank you for entering!sadly, this contest hasn't been that populer,But, c'est la vie!
This is amazing!^^ The background looks awesome, and it really works well! And the character sounds like he'd be a favourite of mine!
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/04/10 | Reply
@Support KIRA:
^^ Thank you
A folding fan?! That is totally epic! XD
Support KIRA
Sleeping Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/03/10 | Reply
Awww It's alright. ^^ I'm sure you'll find something lots of ppl will enter for the next one, ne? I'm sorry this is late, I was working on finishing it and forgot the deadline. ^^;
LOL I adore him. He's really a smart allec, to be honest...but his attitude and the way he carries himself makes me love him more <3 Plus...he fights with a folding epic is that? XDD
You're welcome! ^^ "I" thought it was a good idea for a contest ;)
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/03/10 | Reply
Oh, thank you for entering!
sadly, this contest hasn't been that populer,
But, c'est la vie!
This is amazing!^^ The background looks awesome, and it really works well! And the character sounds like he'd be a favourite of mine!