Damn me! Why have I not kept up on these things! I cannot believe that I have lost such a great skill! My my! WILL I EVER CONQURE OVER YOUR #$%! SWEAR WORDS!!!
You know, for the interity of that little rant-off there all I coudl think of is you dressed up as that Buger King guy. It was quite amsuing. More so when I thought of that- and the word conundrum. For those two things so not go togeather well at all.
Well well... uh... WELL I AM WOMEN! I DEFY ALL LOGIC!!! THERE FORE- I WIN *runs away*
Last edited by kisskiss-bangbang at 10:37:02 PM CDT on October 13, 2010.
Ah yes. The head exploding gene shall be passed down for generations to come. I can swear as much as I want now for you have lost your ways and I have become more powerful than you can EVER IMAGINE! The old glare shall not affect my decision to swear. Prepare for the most %&$# curse words you'll ever hear.... EVER!
Like I said, I had no idea what it meant. Although now that you say that, I am royalty. Many bow before my might and that of my army of anorexic panda tigers. I have my own kingdom where many fear my power. All I need now is a purple king robe and some jazzy crown and I'll be king of the world! It's also great to find others who partake in the usage of words such as conundrum. Who doesn't want to at least sound smart for a few seconds? :D
Yes, my logic is superior! You shall bow down before my kingliness and crazy brain processing. You will receive something..... some day. It will be repayed!
Curse you and your head explodeing gene! And curse you and your many swear words. I fear I am out of practice, and my old lady glare has little sway anymore!! Oh woe is me! Years of not using it have left my skill nothing short of HORID!
Last time I checked I though purple was a regal colour. You know like. King and queens and such. But if you dig the pimp gear I can really dig it. After all- You really can;t go wrong with a gaint fuzzy purple pimp outfit. And. I use the word conundrum, ALL THE TIME. So no dissing it you. I think its a lovely word.
And damn you and your smartness. Why must you be of such great logic to over run my febal attempts at that as well? DAMN YOU!
Ah yes. The random head exploding gene has been in my family for years. Anything unmanly that is said causes this gene to explode heads. You mind yourself because, I'll say as many &$#! curse words as I please and your old lady glare shall not stop thy wrath!
Ah yes, purple does suit me, especially when wearing my pimp suit. I find it very slimming on me. I'm not really sure what purple would be in terms of emotion, but I would guess that it means that I am BEYOND strange and probably just a little random at times. Of course, that is all completely true :D. Also, you could also get that I'm sometimes a smart ass just in the fact that I try to use words that make me seem like I'm smart, but in reality I'm just as dumb as most mentally handicapped turtles. I mean, who uses the word 'conundrum' anymore? Anywho, of course I LOVE IT. It has a nice cool feel to it, like almost a chill feel which I could use right now since I've been stressing on these tests lately :P. I guess if you enjoyed making it, then I guess I will not consider it overkill. I'll just consider it an EXTREMELY nice gesture.
Don't worry, you already have it. It's 1280 x 1024. It's nice because most wallpapers don't have this size and makes it annoying when I see something I like but it looks ugly cause it gets all stretched out cause it's not the right size.
Why shouldn't I make you anything? I asked you not to get me anything, and you still got me something, so why can't I disobey you and make something special for you? Think of it as me getting revenge on you, only in a good sense.
I'm glad that my insights are not offensive... sorry but only one entry per person... I want everyone to focus on "one" special wallpaper... and I think you just made a good job... this is your entry and I'm just giving my insights :)
Okay well I guess I should go on explaining that I don't ushally make wallpapers at such an extreme as 1920x1200 so it might look a little streched and blurry. I always start out on 1024x768 for starters and work up from there with my biggest screen resulution being at 1280x1024. So the main image might look a bit blurry. *laughs* Sorry about that though.
And I am glad that you do like the overall piece. I know some people won't or don't like the little Dutchmen Dairy (or what ever I called that one) bit but I thought it needed a bit more. Than again my tastes are far diffrent from yours or others that veiw this. But don't worry my dear I don't take offence. *laughs* If I did I wouldn't have entered this challenge I don't think!!
But Thank you for taking a look at this! And for challenging me for the challnge! I enjoyed making this! *laughs*
And again I'm sorry if the 1920x1200 is blurry- I didn't intend to make it that big but I reread over the requirments before I sumbitted it. *smiles*
Thanks again for the comment!
ps. are we allowed more than one for this challenge??
No bad words Mr Donny! *old lady glare* Although- Seeing someone put that in the same comment as the word cute will forever amuse me. More so coming from someome like you. XD FOREVER AMUSED AT HEAD EXPLODING WORDS!!!
Anyway- I am glad that you LIKE IT SO VERY MUCH. But really its not OVERKILL. I had fun making it. XD I THOUGH ABOUT HOW PURPLE SUITED YOU WHEN I MADE IT XD (not really but it makes me laugh now that I think about it). So now you much be happy with it or else I will be VERY UPSET. Very. Upset.
On anouther note:: HOW BIG IS YER COMPUTER RESULTION???? Or how ever you spell that. *has no spell check*
Whoa, look at all the effort you put in! I enjoy reading descriptions like that, it helps me appreciate all the work that goes into art like this. The purple is lovely, i'm in a purple mood [even bought some purple bed sheets recently XD haha] so tis good. I like how you painted in the hair.
hmmmnn.... finally! the first entry for the challenge has been submitted... and I'm glad to know that its from you! as the challenge creator, I gave it a detailed rules... so I should also give a detailed insight on your wallpaper... here goes:
(AnimePaper mood!) the strict judging part:
A nice wallpaper this is! I'm glad that you made a 1920x1200 widescreen edition *laughs* okay back to the topic... basing from the description you made, the way you made this wallpaper is not your usual style, you made a few experiments and made observations on what looks good with the other... everything is very detailed and I like the part that you had to re-paint some parts of the original image... purple is one nice color, its not hot nor cold but its very refreshing to the eyes
another reason why I wanted 1920x1200/1600x1200 resolution is because I want to see the full details of the wallpaper and how every media goes along with the other... I learned a lot from AnimePaper so I'll judge this wall AP-style... the quote's typography is nice and well-done (though it could have been a different font and color), I like the cloudy effect, the border is simple but adds a nice touch...
the dutchmen diary (I hope its not offending) gives a bit of clashing in your wallpaper... the sharp details of the DD wallpaper contrasts the overall smooth and soft atmosphere of this one...
it steals the focus of the main image (especially when fully viewed)
and the main image looks a bit blurry, I'm not sure if you did that on purpose or just resized it into a larger one... but even so, it would blend well with the cloudy effect... the DD wallpaper background is somehow not the complement for the main image (I'm so sorry for judging like this)...
but I appreciate this wallpaper as the first submitted entry and the effort you made...
.............. man. I have no idea what to say. I guess I could use various extreme forms of cursing to compliment this since it's THAT AWESOME, but unfortunately I have to watch the language around the kiddies, so I'll just say it SUPER MUTHA #$%@ BAD #%$!! Ok, so I really didn't want you spending a TON of time on this since I didn't want you to get me anything in the first place, but I'll say it's overkill for a present, but wicked for the wallpaper contest. I am in pure awe and disbelief that someone would spend so much time just to make something for me *sniff*. I'M NOT WORTHY!!! It's also great you put up so many sizes so that I can put it up for my computer background :D.
I'd have to say the purple really goes with her character and the girl looks highly realistic, even for a drawing (and I know it's a drawing from someone else, but still the Photoshoping you did is AMAZING!). It really goes with the picture and I'm sure it was a huge pain in the butt to highlight the hair. Everything blends really well, especially the blue eyeliner and purple lips. It's a very "cute" *head explosion from using such an unmanly word*...... wallpaper (thank god for regenerating heads XD). Also, pretty sweet title. HAHA! Pants.
I have something for you as well but who knows when I'll finish it since I started it on your b-day 8D. It will also be overkill on my part so EXPECT SOMETHING somewhere in the year 2020 (or about sometime this October :D).
Last edited by BanisherOfSouls at 11:22:04 PM CDT on October 4, 2010.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 10/13/10 | Reply
Damn me! Why have I not kept up on these things! I cannot believe that I have lost such a great skill! My my! WILL I EVER CONQURE OVER YOUR #$%! SWEAR WORDS!!!
You know, for the interity of that little rant-off there all I coudl think of is you dressed up as that Buger King guy. It was quite amsuing. More so when I thought of that- and the word conundrum. For those two things so not go togeather well at all.
Well well... uh... WELL I AM WOMEN! I DEFY ALL LOGIC!!! THERE FORE- I WIN *runs away*
Last edited by kisskiss-bangbang at 10:37:02 PM CDT on October 13, 2010.
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/13/10 | Reply
Ah yes. The head exploding gene shall be passed down for generations to come. I can swear as much as I want now for you have lost your ways and I have become more powerful than you can EVER IMAGINE! The old glare shall not affect my decision to swear. Prepare for the most %&$# curse words you'll ever hear.... EVER!
Like I said, I had no idea what it meant. Although now that you say that, I am royalty. Many bow before my might and that of my army of anorexic panda tigers. I have my own kingdom where many fear my power. All I need now is a purple king robe and some jazzy crown and I'll be king of the world! It's also great to find others who partake in the usage of words such as conundrum. Who doesn't want to at least sound smart for a few seconds? :D
Yes, my logic is superior! You shall bow down before my kingliness and crazy brain processing. You will receive something..... some day. It will be repayed!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 10/10/10 | Reply
Curse you and your head explodeing gene! And curse you and your many swear words. I fear I am out of practice, and my old lady glare has little sway anymore!! Oh woe is me! Years of not using it have left my skill nothing short of HORID!
Last time I checked I though purple was a regal colour. You know like. King and queens and such. But if you dig the pimp gear I can really dig it. After all- You really can;t go wrong with a gaint fuzzy purple pimp outfit. And. I use the word conundrum, ALL THE TIME. So no dissing it you. I think its a lovely word.
And damn you and your smartness. Why must you be of such great logic to over run my febal attempts at that as well? DAMN YOU!
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/10/10 | Reply
Ah yes. The random head exploding gene has been in my family for years. Anything unmanly that is said causes this gene to explode heads. You mind yourself because, I'll say as many &$#! curse words as I please and your old lady glare shall not stop thy wrath!
Ah yes, purple does suit me, especially when wearing my pimp suit. I find it very slimming on me. I'm not really sure what purple would be in terms of emotion, but I would guess that it means that I am BEYOND strange and probably just a little random at times. Of course, that is all completely true :D. Also, you could also get that I'm sometimes a smart ass just in the fact that I try to use words that make me seem like I'm smart, but in reality I'm just as dumb as most mentally handicapped turtles. I mean, who uses the word 'conundrum' anymore? Anywho, of course I LOVE IT. It has a nice cool feel to it, like almost a chill feel which I could use right now since I've been stressing on these tests lately :P. I guess if you enjoyed making it, then I guess I will not consider it overkill. I'll just consider it an EXTREMELY nice gesture.
Don't worry, you already have it. It's 1280 x 1024. It's nice because most wallpapers don't have this size and makes it annoying when I see something I like but it looks ugly cause it gets all stretched out cause it's not the right size.
Why shouldn't I make you anything? I asked you not to get me anything, and you still got me something, so why can't I disobey you and make something special for you? Think of it as me getting revenge on you, only in a good sense.
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/06/10 | Reply
I'm glad that my insights are not offensive... sorry but only one entry per person... I want everyone to focus on "one" special wallpaper... and I think you just made a good job... this is your entry and I'm just giving my insights :)
Otaku Eternal | Posted 10/05/10 | Reply
Okay well I guess I should go on explaining that I don't ushally make wallpapers at such an extreme as 1920x1200 so it might look a little streched and blurry. I always start out on 1024x768 for starters and work up from there with my biggest screen resulution being at 1280x1024. So the main image might look a bit blurry. *laughs* Sorry about that though.
And I am glad that you do like the overall piece. I know some people won't or don't like the little Dutchmen Dairy (or what ever I called that one) bit but I thought it needed a bit more. Than again my tastes are far diffrent from yours or others that veiw this. But don't worry my dear I don't take offence. *laughs* If I did I wouldn't have entered this challenge I don't think!!
But Thank you for taking a look at this! And for challenging me for the challnge! I enjoyed making this! *laughs*
And again I'm sorry if the 1920x1200 is blurry- I didn't intend to make it that big but I reread over the requirments before I sumbitted it. *smiles*
Thanks again for the comment!
ps. are we allowed more than one for this challenge??
Otaku Eternal | Posted 10/05/10 | Reply
No bad words Mr Donny! *old lady glare* Although- Seeing someone put that in the same comment as the word cute will forever amuse me. More so coming from someome like you. XD FOREVER AMUSED AT HEAD EXPLODING WORDS!!!
Anyway- I am glad that you LIKE IT SO VERY MUCH. But really its not OVERKILL. I had fun making it. XD I THOUGH ABOUT HOW PURPLE SUITED YOU WHEN I MADE IT XD (not really but it makes me laugh now that I think about it). So now you much be happy with it or else I will be VERY UPSET. Very. Upset.
On anouther note:: HOW BIG IS YER COMPUTER RESULTION???? Or how ever you spell that. *has no spell check*
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/05/10 | Reply
Whoa, look at all the effort you put in! I enjoy reading descriptions like that, it helps me appreciate all the work that goes into art like this. The purple is lovely, i'm in a purple mood [even bought some purple bed sheets recently XD haha] so tis good. I like how you painted in the hair.
sky-phoenix queen
Senior Otaku | Posted 10/05/10 | Reply
wow, this is amazing! i don't know anything about making wallpapers, but i like yours! all the purples and light pinks are very beautiful.
forgive me for being so simple minded and a bit biased(i really like the color purple) :D
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/05/10 | Reply
hmmmnn.... finally! the first entry for the challenge has been submitted... and I'm glad to know that its from you! as the challenge creator, I gave it a detailed rules... so I should also give a detailed insight on your wallpaper... here goes:
(AnimePaper mood!) the strict judging part:
A nice wallpaper this is! I'm glad that you made a 1920x1200 widescreen edition *laughs* okay back to the topic... basing from the description you made, the way you made this wallpaper is not your usual style, you made a few experiments and made observations on what looks good with the other... everything is very detailed and I like the part that you had to re-paint some parts of the original image... purple is one nice color, its not hot nor cold but its very refreshing to the eyes
another reason why I wanted 1920x1200/1600x1200 resolution is because I want to see the full details of the wallpaper and how every media goes along with the other... I learned a lot from AnimePaper so I'll judge this wall AP-style... the quote's typography is nice and well-done (though it could have been a different font and color), I like the cloudy effect, the border is simple but adds a nice touch...
the dutchmen diary (I hope its not offending) gives a bit of clashing in your wallpaper... the sharp details of the DD wallpaper contrasts the overall smooth and soft atmosphere of this one...
it steals the focus of the main image (especially when fully viewed)
and the main image looks a bit blurry, I'm not sure if you did that on purpose or just resized it into a larger one... but even so, it would blend well with the cloudy effect... the DD wallpaper background is somehow not the complement for the main image (I'm so sorry for judging like this)...
but I appreciate this wallpaper as the first submitted entry and the effort you made...
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/04/10 | Reply
.............. man. I have no idea what to say. I guess I could use various extreme forms of cursing to compliment this since it's THAT AWESOME, but unfortunately I have to watch the language around the kiddies, so I'll just say it SUPER MUTHA #$%@ BAD #%$!! Ok, so I really didn't want you spending a TON of time on this since I didn't want you to get me anything in the first place, but I'll say it's overkill for a present, but wicked for the wallpaper contest. I am in pure awe and disbelief that someone would spend so much time just to make something for me *sniff*. I'M NOT WORTHY!!! It's also great you put up so many sizes so that I can put it up for my computer background :D.
I'd have to say the purple really goes with her character and the girl looks highly realistic, even for a drawing (and I know it's a drawing from someone else, but still the Photoshoping you did is AMAZING!). It really goes with the picture and I'm sure it was a huge pain in the butt to highlight the hair. Everything blends really well, especially the blue eyeliner and purple lips. It's a very "cute" *head explosion from using such an unmanly word*...... wallpaper (thank god for regenerating heads XD). Also, pretty sweet title. HAHA! Pants.
I have something for you as well but who knows when I'll finish it since I started it on your b-day 8D. It will also be overkill on my part so EXPECT SOMETHING somewhere in the year 2020 (or about sometime this October :D).
Last edited by BanisherOfSouls at 11:22:04 PM CDT on October 4, 2010.