Music Fairy (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/11/11 | Reply
Beautiful brushwork! I like how it looks like Kairi has wings:) One thing though - it would have been nice to add some of the colour of Kairi's shoes in the background, because now they stand out a little too much against the rest in my honest opinion (because they are a very different shade of pink):3 I really like the wallie overall though!^^ It's also nice how there's text in the background:) Nice job!^^ *hugs*
Music Fairy (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/11/11 | Reply
Beautiful brushwork!
I like how it looks like Kairi has wings:) One thing though - it would have been nice to add some of the colour of Kairi's shoes in the background, because now they stand out a little too much against the rest in my honest opinion (because they are a very different shade of pink):3 I really like the wallie overall though!^^ It's also nice how there's text in the background:) Nice job!^^ *hugs*