Oh that's right, I forgot - it does take time for the preview to change, but when you click on any resolution below the preview it should show the green eyes...:3
No, no, it's OK!:3 It's just your opinion, and normally I'd definitely change that too, but it just doesn't fit the challenge this time, that's all...^^ So don't feel sorry or anything!
And the Tsunade image was a stock image, so it's OK if I change the eye colours...^^ Which I just did by the way, I'm going to upload the new wallies now!^^
*bows repeatedly*
Sorry senpai! I should have read the challenge before I said something like that...D:
Well, if they need clean wallpaper, senpai's wallpaper definitely fit the qualification and I really wish you the best of luck!!!!
Yeah...but is it okay to change the color of her eyes without asking the artist?? :O
Thanks for your feedback ecnelis-kun^^ Glad you like the tattoo, lol^^ However, the creator of the challenge said they preferred clean wallpapers, so I didn't want to use textures and such...^^ But I do agree with you that some texture on the background might make it look good:3
Thanks for wishing me luck!^^ (I'll need it, lol)
Yeah that could be...XD I didn't draw the picture though x) But now you mention it - I could probably change the colour of her eyes:D
Oh~ nice choice of character's pose~ XD
Wow...4 hours??? That's a lot of time!!
And you even colored the tattoo by yourself?? I like your choice of image and the way you colored it. :D
However..in my opinion..the BG was too empty and dim...*nods* I think it need to be brighten up a bit and maybe you could add some texture? So the wallpaper didn't look empty??
However senpai, this is all just my opinion and comment can be varies from a person to person. :D
I wish senpai a good luck in the challenge!!! :D
Music Fairy (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/17/12 | Reply
@Emo Prince XD:
Thank you!^^
Emo Prince XD
Otakuite++ | Posted 05/17/12 | Reply

Senior Otaku+ | Posted 10/24/10 | Reply
Yes I did! XD
Oh, and once again, good luck senpai!!!
Music Fairy (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/24/10 | Reply
Thanks, I'm glad you like it!
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 10/24/10 | Reply
Oo~ the image had changed~~ and the eyes looks great~ *o*
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 10/24/10 | Reply
Ok, hold on..XD
Music Fairy (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/24/10 | Reply
Oh that's right, I forgot - it does take time for the preview to change, but when you click on any resolution below the preview it should show the green eyes...:3
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 10/24/10 | Reply
Did it takes time for the image to change cause I'm still seeing Tsunade with Golden eyes..XDD
Music Fairy (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/24/10 | Reply
Lol... is it better now?:3 The colour's kinda vibrant maybe, but I wanted them to stand out...^^; So I hope you like this=)
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 10/24/10 | Reply
I'll go and check it again..XD
Music Fairy (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/24/10 | Reply
No, no, it's OK!:3 It's just your opinion, and normally I'd definitely change that too, but it just doesn't fit the challenge this time, that's all...^^ So don't feel sorry or anything!
And the Tsunade image was a stock image, so it's OK if I change the eye colours...^^ Which I just did by the way, I'm going to upload the new wallies now!^^
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 10/24/10 | Reply
*bows repeatedly*
Sorry senpai! I should have read the challenge before I said something like that...D:
Well, if they need clean wallpaper, senpai's wallpaper definitely fit the qualification and I really wish you the best of luck!!!!
Yeah...but is it okay to change the color of her eyes without asking the artist?? :O
Music Fairy (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/24/10 | Reply
Thank you, glad you like it!
Music Fairy (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/24/10 | Reply
Thanks for your feedback ecnelis-kun^^ Glad you like the tattoo, lol^^ However, the creator of the challenge said they preferred clean wallpapers, so I didn't want to use textures and such...^^ But I do agree with you that some texture on the background might make it look good:3
Thanks for wishing me luck!^^ (I'll need it, lol)
Yeah that could be...XD I didn't draw the picture though x) But now you mention it - I could probably change the colour of her eyes:D
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/24/10 | Reply
Great work! Very clean job
Thanks for participate. Good luck!
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 10/24/10 | Reply
Oh~ nice choice of character's pose~ XD
Wow...4 hours??? That's a lot of time!!
And you even colored the tattoo by yourself?? I like your choice of image and the way you colored it. :D
However..in my opinion..the BG was too empty and dim...*nods* I think it need to be brighten up a bit and maybe you could add some texture? So the wallpaper didn't look empty??
However senpai, this is all just my opinion and comment can be varies from a person to person. :D
I wish senpai a good luck in the challenge!!! :D
P/S: I thought Tsunade have green eyes?? XD