I hope they'll stay just friends but well a part of me hope they'll be more than this... >__<
Jenny became the kind of character you like to hate, someway =3
Sometimes, I wanted to slap her, indeed, but I never hated her... ^^ But I sure liked her so much more at the beginning and also in the season 2... =)
hehe...I'm worried about that new friendship! I don't know what to expect...
I simply hate Jenny! The girl was getting on my last nerv...I only liked her at the beginning, but after she became so mean, I just can't stand her! I don't know why! But I have to admit things are always interesting when she's around...
Yeah, it's kinda tiring now... But the new friendship between Dan & Blair can be interesting =)
Honestly, what I really want is Jenny back ! >__< With her around, you can be sure that something will happen X3
good for you to be up to date!!!^^
It's gettimng kind of tiring now...and I still want her to be with Nate. And what's up with Chuck and Blair? I want them together too...I was so happy when they first got together...they're the most awesome couple(I really liek them as a couple!)
He's not like N or C but he's really cute (from my pov). I like lonely boys maybe x)
Nate and Serena are a nice couple, yeah^^ But I like when she was with our lonely boy at the very beginning, they were cute X3
Blair and Chuck are my best friend's fav couple too. I love Nate and Serena...<3 Dan has the more normal behaviour of them all, but I don't like the actor...he's not like chuck or nate!
The one you prefer is Nate ? I'll keep that in mind ^w^
I love 'em all but I prefer Chuck (and Blair for the girls^^) even if I'm closer in my behaviour to Dan x)
Last edited by Felcie at 2:46:32 PM CST on January 29, 2011.
Wow, thanks for the dedication! I'm a fellow fan of Gossip Girl myself! Although Nate is my favourite character from the boys, Chuck is my best friend's favourite...I'll sent her the wallie so that she can use it!
*hugs & favs*
Unicorn Lover (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/31/11 | Reply
I hope they'll stay just friends but well a part of me hope they'll be more than this... >__<
Jenny became the kind of character you like to hate, someway =3
Sometimes, I wanted to slap her, indeed, but I never hated her... ^^ But I sure liked her so much more at the beginning and also in the season 2... =)
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/30/11 | Reply
hehe...I'm worried about that new friendship! I don't know what to expect...
I simply hate Jenny! The girl was getting on my last nerv...I only liked her at the beginning, but after she became so mean, I just can't stand her! I don't know why! But I have to admit things are always interesting when she's around...
Unicorn Lover (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/30/11 | Reply
Yeah, it's kinda tiring now... But the new friendship between Dan & Blair can be interesting =)
Honestly, what I really want is Jenny back ! >__< With her around, you can be sure that something will happen X3
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/30/11 | Reply
good for you to be up to date!!!^^
It's gettimng kind of tiring now...and I still want her to be with Nate. And what's up with Chuck and Blair? I want them together too...I was so happy when they first got together...they're the most awesome couple(I really liek them as a couple!)
Unicorn Lover (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/30/11 | Reply
I saw them all (until next week), lol 8)
That's why I say I like them together at the very beginning^^ After they're not as cute >_<
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/30/11 | Reply
I don't know how many episodes you've watched and I don't want to ruin anything for you, but you'll see a lot more of D&S in the future...!^^
Unicorn Lover (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/29/11 | Reply
He's not like N or C but he's really cute (from my pov). I like lonely boys maybe x)
Nate and Serena are a nice couple, yeah^^ But I like when she was with our lonely boy at the very beginning, they were cute X3
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/29/11 | Reply
Blair and Chuck are my best friend's fav couple too. I love Nate and Serena...<3 Dan has the more normal behaviour of them all, but I don't like the actor...he's not like chuck or nate!
Unicorn Lover (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/29/11 | Reply
The one you prefer is Nate ? I'll keep that in mind ^w^
I love 'em all but I prefer Chuck (and Blair for the girls^^) even if I'm closer in my behaviour to Dan x)
Last edited by Felcie at 2:46:32 PM CST on January 29, 2011.
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/28/11 | Reply
Wow, thanks for the dedication! I'm a fellow fan of Gossip Girl myself! Although Nate is my favourite character from the boys, Chuck is my best friend's favourite...I'll sent her the wallie so that she can use it!
*hugs & favs*