Really, it took me forever to realize that you used the second image as the rain. Baka me XD;
Another awesome combination from you <33 I love your lighting effect, made one side as the source of the light, and other is dark.
Sper ca la anul o sa ai parte si de cadouri <3 Eu de obicei primesc bani, asta a fost ok pana cand m-am saturat. Vreau sa-mi ia si mie cineva ceva, sa riste sa-mi ia o bluza sau ce-or vrea. Nu-s picky la cadouri, imi cam place tot XD
Macar s-a inghesuit populatia otaku cu cadouri, virtuale ast e, dar merge s-asa XD
Nu-ti face probl cu ziua mea, real life peste internet life, rezolva tu ce-ai de facut si lasa-ma pe mine, ca ma bucur si cu vesti bune ^3^
Well, all in all, ma bucur ca-ti place, sper ca la anul o sa apuc ceva mai complicat 8D
Ooops, you stepped on a landmine there XD
I adore the cold and winter, I can't stand the summer heat. I like spring and autumn though, but winter is my natural element and summer makes me into a lifeless mass XD
Pe bune acum, temperaturi minime de 45 de grade? Abia pot sa respir o___o Dar revenind, ma bucur ca-ti place wallul XD ^3^
Addicted to Sweets (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/07/11 | Reply
Awww!Very cute wallpaper!~ * w *
I see that you did really an awesoma and adorable work on it!^_^
Love the image and all these textures!> ¬ <
The text is great too!^_^
Good work,Sakura-san!X3
Multumesc mult Sakura, arata formidabil si cel mai mult apreciez titlul in romana si cel de pe wallie in japoneza.
Nu imi pasa k nu a fost complicat, doar ma bucur k te-ai distrat facandu-l desi nu pare simplu, iar ptr mine arata fantastic!!!
Anul asta am avut parte de doua torturi, ca niciodata si de cadouri frumoase. Multumesc mult k mi-ai facut asta, ma simt groaznic, k eu nu am apucat s termin proiectul meu de ziua ta, m-am aglomerat super mult anul trecut, am inceput multe si nu am terminat nimik.
If you put heart and enjoy doing something, that for me is the best gift^^ thank you again, you rock! *hugs you tight and gives you pieces of cake from both cakes*
hugs + fav!!!!!!
asta clar va fi urmatorul meu desktop bg!
Complicated or not, that doesn't change how good a wall looks. It's the matter of how well you blend it all together, and as always, you did such a wonderful job! It looks really really great!
Otaku Legend | Posted 02/09/11 | Reply
Really, it took me forever to realize that you used the second image as the rain. Baka me XD;
Another awesome combination from you <33 I love your lighting effect, made one side as the source of the light, and other is dark.
Moderator | Posted 02/08/11 | Reply
@Quiet Noise:
Sper ca la anul o sa ai parte si de cadouri <3 Eu de obicei primesc bani, asta a fost ok pana cand m-am saturat. Vreau sa-mi ia si mie cineva ceva, sa riste sa-mi ia o bluza sau ce-or vrea. Nu-s picky la cadouri, imi cam place tot XD
Macar s-a inghesuit populatia otaku cu cadouri, virtuale ast e, dar merge s-asa XD
Nu-ti face probl cu ziua mea, real life peste internet life, rezolva tu ce-ai de facut si lasa-ma pe mine, ca ma bucur si cu vesti bune ^3^
Well, all in all, ma bucur ca-ti place, sper ca la anul o sa apuc ceva mai complicat 8D
Moderator | Posted 02/08/11 | Reply
Ooops, you stepped on a landmine there XD
I adore the cold and winter, I can't stand the summer heat. I like spring and autumn though, but winter is my natural element and summer makes me into a lifeless mass XD
Pe bune acum, temperaturi minime de 45 de grade? Abia pot sa respir o___o Dar revenind, ma bucur ca-ti place wallul XD ^3^
Hanaro Souhi
Addicted to Sweets (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/07/11 | Reply
Awww!Very cute wallpaper!~ * w *
I see that you did really an awesoma and adorable work on it!^_^
Love the image and all these textures!> ¬ <
The text is great too!^_^
Good work,Sakura-san!X3
Senior Otaku | Posted 02/07/11 | Reply
Wow, it looks so nice, the colors are just vibrant and even though it's raining it just gives me that warm feeling of spring *_*
... plus ca ma face sa-mi doresc si mai mult sa vina primavara odata, m-am saturat de frigul asta :((
Great job, it looks amazing ^^
Administrator | Posted 02/07/11 | Reply
Nice wallpaper Sakura-chan (er...I hope it's okay to call you that) >.<
The colour in it look so vibrant, awesome job XD.
Find a reason to smile
Quiet Noise
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/07/11 | Reply
Multumesc mult Sakura, arata formidabil si cel mai mult apreciez titlul in romana si cel de pe wallie in japoneza.
Nu imi pasa k nu a fost complicat, doar ma bucur k te-ai distrat facandu-l desi nu pare simplu, iar ptr mine arata fantastic!!!
Anul asta am avut parte de doua torturi, ca niciodata si de cadouri frumoase. Multumesc mult k mi-ai facut asta, ma simt groaznic, k eu nu am apucat s termin proiectul meu de ziua ta, m-am aglomerat super mult anul trecut, am inceput multe si nu am terminat nimik.
If you put heart and enjoy doing something, that for me is the best gift^^ thank you again, you rock! *hugs you tight and gives you pieces of cake from both cakes*
hugs + fav!!!!!!
asta clar va fi urmatorul meu desktop bg!
Grand Otaku | Posted 02/06/11 | Reply
Wow..!! A wonderful wallpaper :D
Morbid Dollie
Strawberry (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/06/11 | Reply
Complicated or not, that doesn't change how good a wall looks. It's the matter of how well you blend it all together, and as always, you did such a wonderful job! It looks really really great!
-those with the biggest hearts hurt the most