Mind Reader (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/27/11 | Reply
I think this is really nice.I like the watch and the snow,and all the "whiteness".Its sometimes good to see empty and calming things instead of colorful (not that I dont like colorful, actually I like it pretty much, but just for a change) :)
Otakuite | Posted 02/27/11 | Reply
Thanks! I'm glad you like it--that was the impression I got of the photo and all the snow, and I just had to make this wallpaper, xD.
Mind Reader (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/27/11 | Reply
I think this is really nice.I like the watch and the snow,and all the "whiteness".Its sometimes good to see empty and calming things instead of colorful (not that I dont like colorful, actually I like it pretty much, but just for a change) :)