awh really cute!
I see the only thing you say is; be happy always...
but maybe you could (from now on) say which image you used and which fond and which texture(s) with links and stuff
a lot of people do that
if you do that people can compare those things with what you made from it
that way it makes it even look more beautiful! n.n
just a hint ;p
kobato chii
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 03/28/11 | Reply
Thank u very much....That's really a better hint for me...^_^
It really useful...^_^...
Okay, from now on, I might use the useful hint...^ ^.
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 03/27/11 | Reply
awh really cute!
I see the only thing you say is; be happy always...
but maybe you could (from now on) say which image you used and which fond and which texture(s) with links and stuff
a lot of people do that
if you do that people can compare those things with what you made from it
that way it makes it even look more beautiful! n.n
just a hint ;p