NOOOO!!!>_<. Ur comment really not bothering me...I even more like it elskej-san...
Whenever u comment my art, I always pleased to accept it... I love it when u comment mine with a positive one...and I always accept ur better hint for me...Really thanks for that...
Dakara, please don't say that I 'll be bothered by ur comment ok... I always pleased to receive ur comment for me...
Hontoni arigatou goazaimasu nee elskej-san!
haha this is awesome! as always ;p
hope my comments don't bother you.. cause they're pretty much the same always
but that's just because they all are so good, I just don't know anything else to say :$
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 03/31/11 | Reply
@kobato chii:
okay I'm glad to hear that n.n
kobato chii
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 03/31/11 | Reply
NOOOO!!!>_<. Ur comment really not bothering me...I even more like it elskej-san...

Whenever u comment my art, I always pleased to accept it... I love it when u comment mine with a positive one...and I always accept ur better hint for me...Really thanks for that...
Dakara, please don't say that I 'll be bothered by ur comment ok... I always pleased to receive ur comment for me...

Hontoni arigatou goazaimasu nee elskej-san!
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 03/31/11 | Reply
haha this is awesome! as always ;p
hope my comments don't bother you.. cause they're pretty much the same always
but that's just because they all are so good, I just don't know anything else to say :$