The end of school is so bittersweet. :(
I loooove not having it, but I miss my friends and the fact that these are our last few years truly together.
On to the wallpaper:
I really like the background, the textures and colors especially. Really cool image of the K-ON girls as well!
Thanks for the dedication. <3
Grand Otaku | Posted 06/29/11 | Reply
Thank you very much, I'm happy you like it! (I love their outfits as well, too cute! :O)
Hanaro Souhi
Addicted to Sweets (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/01/11 | Reply
Hard times!~ I really understand you,dear!*hugs*
I miss my friends and I wish talk with them again!~ ;_;
Keep doing your best,Dev-chan!>///<
Your wallpaper is beautiful as usual!XD
I loved the image and these textures!^_^
Amazing work!X3 I admire it!~ ^ w ^
Take care!~
Grand Otaku | Posted 06/01/11 | Reply
The end of school is so bittersweet. :(
I loooove not having it, but I miss my friends and the fact that these are our last few years truly together.
On to the wallpaper:
I really like the background, the textures and colors especially. Really cool image of the K-ON girls as well!
Thanks for the dedication. <3
Grand Otaku | Posted 06/01/11 | Reply
I wish I had Photoshop! (I do love GIMP, though, XD)
Thank you for the compliment! Hm...I think because it's a weekday. The comments will probably pop up later this evening.
Grand Otaku | Posted 06/01/11 | Reply
Keep messing with blur--I used Gaussian blur, so I could adjust the levels~
I recently discovered secret, it's one of my favorite Luka songs--I can't stop listening to it!
Thank you for the compliments, by the way~ I'm happy to hear that you like it!