Dammit, Y U SO AWSUM AT VECTORS SO SOON. I wish I was as good as this when I started out ;A; Only advice I can give is that you should duplicate the outline layer, Box Blur it (1 px) and set it to a low opacity, since some lines look slightly jagged (I think it's a rendering problem and not something to do with the vector per se).
And I actually like the flowers, this makes for a pretty good desktop since it has free space on the sides c:
Embracing Insanity (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/23/11 | Reply
Dammit, Y U SO AWSUM AT VECTORS SO SOON. I wish I was as good as this when I started out ;A; Only advice I can give is that you should duplicate the outline layer, Box Blur it (1 px) and set it to a low opacity, since some lines look slightly jagged (I think it's a rendering problem and not something to do with the vector per se).
And I actually like the flowers, this makes for a pretty good desktop since it has free space on the sides c:
Music Fairy (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/21/11 | Reply
It's cute and it's simple - I like it^^
And the flowers don't look retarded at all!o.O; They're pretty and I love the colours:3 *hugs*