Devils Never Cry (Senior Otaku+) | Posted 08/18/11 | Reply
My new desktop wallpaper has been decided the colours are amazing not dark and not too bright just one example of amazing composition that is consistent in all the wallpapers you make
I feel it right at the heart of me and it grips me physically
Seriously, this is too awesome!! I really love what you did with the colors, love the brightness. Very nice typography, and the TV screen is so creative. <3
Thanks for your entry. =D
Last edited by Blue Latte at 11:48:33 AM CDT on July 25, 2011.
I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls <3
I'll tell you something about me, when I truly hate a person I don't recognize any of his/her qualities. To me that chick is an inflated talentless cow, no more, no less. Gaga kicks ass in songs an eccentric vids, she brings something new to this era of vids where the singer is just in a club with chicks dancing all around him.
Hahahahaha....Jesus Christ Ori. You dislike her that bad? Well, I was only comparing the hotness. Did you see her in that Eva plug suit? BLAAAMM! Everywhere. Gaga can't compare body wise.
And it was easy cause its all true. lol Actually that's the only video of Nicki Minaj I watch and it's prolly because of Will I am and her in the plug suit. Haha. I don't know any other songs.
Baw dude, first and last time you use Nicky Minaj when talking to me, really dislike her D:
And lol, those modified lyrics are awesome, I feel so special you took the time to rip off Will I Am for me XD
Addicted to Sweets (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/23/11 | Reply
I loved all the colors this awesome wallpaper!>///<
All the effects are so cool and wonderful!> w < They work so good together!
I loved the TV idea and the typography!> 3 <
Lovely work,Sakura-san!^ w ^
Groupies always rush you cause you fly fly fly. Dummies they cant touch you cause you're floatin' sky high. You stay loli-rific you dont need to ask why. You just got to see wit' your eyes... Ooo, you just had to kill it. You top wall-ah, hotter than a skillet.
LOL Ok I'll stop. haha Will I am part is just funny. Had modify it to fit you since i was listening to it. lol
This wall is so colorful, you can taste it. Like Jolly Rancher candies. And btw, if its pop he's listening should be Nicki Minaj. :P Gawd shes hot.
Mind Reader (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/23/11 | Reply
This looks awesome! I really love how you changed the original scans. It's so colorful (and cool XD). Perfect for the challenge. All the best luck in the challenge, although, with a wallpaper like this , you won't need it :)
It is impossible to try not to stare at the colours.They are so vivid and I like the image so much.It looks like it could be a wallpaper for a concert or something like that!
Devils Never Cry (Senior Otaku+) | Posted 08/18/11 | Reply
My new desktop wallpaper has been decided the colours are amazing not dark and not too bright just one example of amazing composition that is consistent in all the wallpapers you make
I feel it right at the heart of me and it grips me physically
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/01/11 | Reply
I saw this over on MT and instantly put it full screen and just stared for a moment or two XD
Your wallpapers are always a joy, it is plain to see the love and dedication you give them ^^
I'm really craving something fruity right now...
~*FABULOUS MAX*~ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/25/11 | Reply
Too brain fried for a good comment, this is pure win.
Blue Latte
Curious Dreamer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/25/11 | Reply
Seriously, this is too awesome!! I really love what you did with the colors, love the brightness. Very nice typography, and the TV screen is so creative. <3
Thanks for your entry. =D
Last edited by Blue Latte at 11:48:33 AM CDT on July 25, 2011.
I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls <3
Moderator | Posted 07/24/11 | Reply
I'll tell you something about me, when I truly hate a person I don't recognize any of his/her qualities. To me that chick is an inflated talentless cow, no more, no less. Gaga kicks ass in songs an eccentric vids, she brings something new to this era of vids where the singer is just in a club with chicks dancing all around him.
Scarecrow (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/24/11 | Reply
Hahahahaha....Jesus Christ Ori. You dislike her that bad? Well, I was only comparing the hotness. Did you see her in that Eva plug suit? BLAAAMM! Everywhere. Gaga can't compare body wise.
And it was easy cause its all true. lol Actually that's the only video of Nicki Minaj I watch and it's prolly because of Will I am and her in the plug suit. Haha. I don't know any other songs.
Moderator | Posted 07/24/11 | Reply
Baw dude, first and last time you use Nicky Minaj when talking to me, really dislike her D:
And lol, those modified lyrics are awesome, I feel so special you took the time to rip off Will I Am for me XD
Hanaro Souhi
Addicted to Sweets (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/23/11 | Reply
I loved all the colors this awesome wallpaper!>///<
All the effects are so cool and wonderful!> w < They work so good together!
I loved the TV idea and the typography!> 3 <
Lovely work,Sakura-san!^ w ^
Scarecrow (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/23/11 | Reply
Groupies always rush you cause you fly fly fly. Dummies they cant touch you cause you're floatin' sky high. You stay loli-rific you dont need to ask why. You just got to see wit' your eyes... Ooo, you just had to kill it. You top wall-ah, hotter than a skillet.
LOL Ok I'll stop. haha Will I am part is just funny. Had modify it to fit you since i was listening to it. lol
This wall is so colorful, you can taste it. Like Jolly Rancher candies. And btw, if its pop he's listening should be Nicki Minaj. :P Gawd shes hot.
Check it out.
Mind Reader (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/23/11 | Reply
This looks awesome! I really love how you changed the original scans. It's so colorful (and cool XD). Perfect for the challenge. All the best luck in the challenge, although, with a wallpaper like this , you won't need it :)
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/23/11 | Reply
It is impossible to try not to stare at the colours.They are so vivid and I like the image so much.It looks like it could be a wallpaper for a concert or something like that!
Ooh La La (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/22/11 | Reply
Amazing overload

I love the added texts, and the boy -- u colored him and the way you color makes him look so much sexier than the original scan.
-Be Confident-
drazu (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/22/11 | Reply
so shiny and flashy and colorful <3
I love it! I can see you typed ur ass on on the text, right?
Otakuite | Posted 07/22/11 | Reply
So amazing! the colors are wonderful o_o
Hunter (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/22/11 | Reply
Love the colors! :)
"You won't like me when I'm psychoanalyzed."
Pickle of the Year (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/22/11 | Reply
This looks AMAZING. Seriously love what you did with the TV screens! *o*~