Dawww' Thank you Bonnie! ;___; I absolutely love this, thank you so much for making it for me! You even went through the trouble to find out what I like! I'm going to use it as my wallpaper right away!~<3
"Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must lead."
King of LLamas (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/10/11 | Reply
That's great~!!! 8D
C yaz!! xD
Administrator | Posted 09/10/11 | Reply
@Dark Flame 3479:
No problem Mandy!~
I'm happy you love it (and even more happy you're using it) XD
I hope you had a amazing day!~
Find a reason to smile
Dark Flame 3479
Infiltrator (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/10/11 | Reply
Dawww' Thank you Bonnie! ;___; I absolutely love this, thank you so much for making it for me! You even went through the trouble to find out what I like! I'm going to use it as my wallpaper right away!~<3
"Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must lead."
Administrator | Posted 09/09/11 | Reply
^_^ Thank you!`
I will try to do my best! XD
Find a reason to smile
King of LLamas (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/09/11 | Reply
Very nice wallie~!!! :D
great job! ^U^
Make sure to keep up the great work! ^W^
C yaz!! :D