Yes! He is so awesome in all four games!!!
Well three, cause I counted BBS as a game he's in, but it's not really him.
Yeah!! It is soooo goood!
It's so good that I watch the entire series over and over and over again constantly!!
You should so watch it!!
Artist of the new upcoming hit series D. A. N. T. E!
@KiaraKissinger2 (Otakuite++) | Posted 10/19/11 | Reply
Yes! He is so awesome in all four games!!!

Well three, cause I counted BBS as a game he's in, but it's not really him.
Yeah!! It is soooo goood!
It's so good that I watch the entire series over and over and over again constantly!!
You should so watch it!!
Artist of the new upcoming hit series D. A. N. T. E!
Magic Peach (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/18/11 | Reply
I know ahah I love Axel~
oooo really? I hear that show's good :)
I must see it sometime! >:D
@KiaraKissinger2 (Otakuite++) | Posted 10/17/11 | Reply
That's fine! Axel is the best bad/good guy ever!!
I'm more of a Sora, but eversince I watched Durarara!! I fell in love with Walker!!
Artist of the new upcoming hit series D. A. N. T. E!
Magic Peach (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/16/11 | Reply
aha yes! I know, they are of Axel again, ^_^"
But I'm an Axel fangirl, so I can't help it
@KiaraKissinger2 (Otakuite++) | Posted 10/16/11 | Reply
I can't wait to see them!
I'm sure they are just as great or even better than the other's.
Artist of the new upcoming hit series D. A. N. T. E!
Magic Peach (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/16/11 | Reply
I have some new Axel ones, that I still needa upload, they are a bit different from my original ones though
@KiaraKissinger2 (Otakuite++) | Posted 10/15/11 | Reply
Wow, this is amazing! Great job!
Artist of the new upcoming hit series D. A. N. T. E!