Word of advice, if you ever meet a Romanian that genuinely hates their country don't bother with them, at all, they don't deserve it. I'll say patriotism is one of our best characteristics. Thanks a lot for the kind words, you always make such beautiful compliments <3
I have a gypsy friend as well and she's great. I know that not all are bad, of course, but I can't express it otherwise. Bad or good, gypsies aren't Romanians, that's what I'd want to be known. They're an independent race and should be treated as such.
Wow, I love all the detail and work you put into this! It really is superb. His cape is epic!
I would also like to say that while Gypsies have a bad name, I certainly don't think they all deserve it. Sure there are always some people who deserve the bad reputation, but I have a few friends who come from that linage and I don't like them being tarred with that brush any more than you don't want your country to be. I just don't like stereotyping people...
I'd love to visit Romania someday, one of my friends went there to do volunteer work with kids and her photos of the country are gorgeous!
That is a sic-ass wall yo! Love your patriotism. I didn't know about all those things. Insulin?! That's a big one! Thanks Romania. :] Cybernetics? Also huge. Well, seems you're the daughter of a badass country who contributed in big ways to the progress of humanity. Very noice. Happy Birthday Romania. Go Oriana! Raise your flag high!
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/01/11 | Reply
I think they'd be happy to be described as independent. *nod nod*
I love the wall ^^
Moderator | Posted 12/01/11 | Reply
Word of advice, if you ever meet a Romanian that genuinely hates their country don't bother with them, at all, they don't deserve it. I'll say patriotism is one of our best characteristics. Thanks a lot for the kind words, you always make such beautiful compliments <3
Moderator | Posted 12/01/11 | Reply
I have a gypsy friend as well and she's great. I know that not all are bad, of course, but I can't express it otherwise. Bad or good, gypsies aren't Romanians, that's what I'd want to be known. They're an independent race and should be treated as such.
I'm really glad you like it ^3^
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/01/11 | Reply
Wow, I love all the detail and work you put into this! It really is superb. His cape is epic!
I would also like to say that while Gypsies have a bad name, I certainly don't think they all deserve it. Sure there are always some people who deserve the bad reputation, but I have a few friends who come from that linage and I don't like them being tarred with that brush any more than you don't want your country to be. I just don't like stereotyping people...
I'd love to visit Romania someday, one of my friends went there to do volunteer work with kids and her photos of the country are gorgeous!
Scarecrow (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/01/11 | Reply
That is a sic-ass wall yo! Love your patriotism. I didn't know about all those things. Insulin?! That's a big one! Thanks Romania. :] Cybernetics? Also huge. Well, seems you're the daughter of a badass country who contributed in big ways to the progress of humanity. Very noice. Happy Birthday Romania. Go Oriana! Raise your flag high!
P.S. I'm very big on pride and patriotism. :]
Unicorn Lover (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/01/11 | Reply
Happy birthday to your country, then~♪