Thank you :D
I'm glad you pointed out the arrow on fire, it was the exact effect I wanted to create :)
Thank you for all your kinds words, they really mean a lot to me! ^__^
Have you seen the movie yet?
Take cares,
This is seriously awesome! I love the fire effect and how it makes her arrow look like it's on fire. Great job and the images are blended extremely well. Great job and this wallpaper is amazing
Lol have lots of fun when you see it!! And tell me how it turns out :D My dad heard about it via work and he thinks its too scary for us xD I kinda agree cuz I was scared just reading some of the books! But we've been watching some short scenes online and it looks really really good! Definitely post something on your world or somewhere after you get to see it!! I bet it'll be even sweeter since you have to wait ^_^
ASDLFKJ! I'm so excited I can hardly sit still when the news says something about the Hunger Games! >3< You must tell me how it is, as I'm waiting for a bit to watch it~~ Thanks for commenting~
Take cares ;D
I'm REALLY excited for it!!!
I can hardly wait, but I'll guess I'll have to. I kinda want to go when there won't be too many people (which is hardly tomorrow). So perhaps in a week I'll go and see it :3
Thanks for the comment~ Are you going to see it as well? ;D
Take cares~
Administrator | Posted 03/26/12 | Reply
@Rainbow Dragon:
Thank you :D
I'm glad you pointed out the arrow on fire, it was the exact effect I wanted to create :)
Thank you for all your kinds words, they really mean a lot to me! ^__^
Have you seen the movie yet?
Take cares,
Find a reason to smile
Rainbow Dragon
☠Eastsider✰Pirate☠ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/26/12 | Reply
This is seriously awesome! I love the fire effect and how it makes her arrow look like it's on fire. Great job and the images are blended extremely well. Great job and this wallpaper is amazing
Pikachu Lover (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/24/12 | Reply
Your welcome!!!
Administrator | Posted 03/22/12 | Reply
Thank you >3< I hope they will be XD
Only a few more hours and the movie is out! 8D
Take cares~
Last edited by ItachiSasuke at 8:57:50 PM CDT on March 22, 2012.
Find a reason to smile
Pikachu Lover (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/22/12 | Reply
May the odds be in your favor :3
Good wall :)
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/22/12 | Reply
Lol have lots of fun when you see it!! And tell me how it turns out :D My dad heard about it via work and he thinks its too scary for us xD I kinda agree cuz I was scared just reading some of the books! But we've been watching some short scenes online and it looks really really good! Definitely post something on your world or somewhere after you get to see it!! I bet it'll be even sweeter since you have to wait ^_^
Administrator | Posted 03/22/12 | Reply
ASDLFKJ! I'm so excited I can hardly sit still when the news says something about the Hunger Games! >3< You must tell me how it is, as I'm waiting for a bit to watch it~~ Thanks for commenting~
Take cares ;D
Find a reason to smile
Administrator | Posted 03/22/12 | Reply
I'm REALLY excited for it!!!
I can hardly wait, but I'll guess I'll have to. I kinda want to go when there won't be too many people (which is hardly tomorrow). So perhaps in a week I'll go and see it :3
Thanks for the comment~ Are you going to see it as well? ;D
Take cares~
Find a reason to smile
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/22/12 | Reply
Nice work, Bonnie! I can tell how excited you are for the movie!!! I love the wallie *3* That fire mockingjay emblem is epic!!!