This wall looks really good, but really, the texture is too much. The opacity should be quite a bit less, as it takes away from the beauty of the colors and the original image of Tifa.
Kyaa I had to come back and give you another comment... this wallie is just so awesome and your words are so sweet, I feel like I don't know what to say and then I also want to say everything! adfhskjalfhkjsdlfhaskjl!!! Its so stunning^^ Thankyou from my heart <3
I LOVE THIS WALLIE!!! Katy-sama, its awesome!! The bokeh and image are beautiful together :DDDD
And as for all the nice things you wrote about me, *sniffle* I've got some happy tears in my eyes^^ I'm the lucky one, to have a friend like you <3 Thankyou a million, I don't know how to thankyou as much as I want to^^
Morbid Dollie
Strawberry (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/14/12 | Reply
This wall looks really good, but really, the texture is too much. The opacity should be quite a bit less, as it takes away from the beauty of the colors and the original image of Tifa.
-those with the biggest hearts hurt the most
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/15/12 | Reply
Kyaa I had to come back and give you another comment... this wallie is just so awesome and your words are so sweet, I feel like I don't know what to say and then I also want to say everything!
adfhskjalfhkjsdlfhaskjl!!! Its so stunning^^ Thankyou from my heart <3
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/15/12 | Reply
And as for all the nice things you wrote about me, *sniffle* I've got some happy tears in my eyes^^ I'm the lucky one, to have a friend like you <3 Thankyou a million, I don't know how to thankyou as much as I want to^^
Zuzu Uchiha
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/15/12 | Reply
hey it really does describe MangaKid well. Nicely done and thought out *thumbs up and cheers*