Ok ! Je suis en Science du Langage, Lettres Modernes. (Et je ne pense pas que je puisse faire n'importe quel domaine haha mais merci beaucoup! ♥)
Je n'ai eu qu'un dossier à donner et j'étais prise d'office comme j'ai validé mes trois ans de Licence :)
Mon domaine à moi c'est le Management, et j'effectue le stage dans une entreprise spécialisée dans le Conseil et Formation aux entreprises(donc du genre B to B comme on le dit dans les cours du marketing)!
Et toi qu'a tu choisit, Art et Culture,Langue ou Management International?
(pour moi vu ton niveau intellectuel et de culture général tu peut faire n’importe quel domaine,et tes parents doivent certainement être fière de toi)
Et comment a été ton entretient pour la sélection(ou présélection) de candidature?
Ben, j'ai foiré mon inscription à Lyon 2 (j’étais toujours en déplacement donc j'ai raté les Dates limite)et maintenant je collectionne les petits stage en Algérie.
Le fait de raté mon inscription ne me fait ni chaud ni froid, mais j'ai mal quand je pense que j'ai raté l’occasion de te voir en personne,Oh ma princesse.
J'ai lu ce que tu à ecrit,c'est claire et net je crois que c'est d'un niveau journalistique,en effet tu à beaucoup de talent quant on parle d'art ou de l'actualité people ou simplement journalistique.
En Outre je n'ai pas d'avis à donnée car le suis hermetiquement clos aux infos peoples,normal car je suis trop fière pour envier les Stars ou tout outre personne,(à l'exception de quelque amis comme toi qui sont bourrés de talent).
D'un outre coté comment à debuté ton année unversitaire?
J'espere que tous va bien!
Watching things like that is a good way to know them better! I love Daniel's interviews too and also Tom [Felton] seems to be such a funny and witty guy <3
I should check that Carrie Underwood's works, then :) I might like it!
Lol, yup, we have a "legally have sex" age! It was 15 before, now it's 16. I believe the legal age to drink beers or wine was also 15, but now it's 18. Whatever I was already 18 when it changed :p But most countries have that, here. I think that in Poland, it's 15. Basically, it's 15-16 in Europe. A good way to prevent early sex, I guess!
Let me believe that Europe is the birth place of floozies! Everyone seems to believe that Europe is all flowers and rainbows and fashion and romance and unicorns, it's a good way to show that we are like everyone XD
You should look on youtube for her interviews and stuff, they are really funny :) And, yeah, she seems like a nice girl to hang out with. She must be a very nice person in real life.
Haha, well, if I have an opinion, it's normal that I know what to say about it. Or else, I wouldn't have an opinion. Like for Lindsay Lohan, who is really hated, I don't like her and I don't hate her. I just don't feel interested in what she's doing more than that. I didn't even see at least 3 movies with her in it but she was okay in them so... But I noticed that a lot of Disney celebrities wanted a great change after that or just broke down (like Demi Lovato). Considering that, I wonder who really is Miley, it seems like her true self is hiding behind a mask that she use to find herself. But, hey, maybe I'm wrong. Anyway, I still like her music, even though I didn't like Tamed, because I like her grainy voice.
Sometimes, I am so ashamed of those 16 years old girls dressing up so lightly and walking around as if it was normal. When they are 18, it's not that I don't care, but I think that they are old enough to face the consequences (even though, at 16, you can legally have sex here) since they are considered adults by the society. I think that the medias and everything are what changed the youth. What I had when I was young and what they have now is completely different. It's like in 2-3 years, we had an other childhood. It's creepy, actually...
You're welcome! Thanks to you for that amazing chat :) And thanks for respecting where I come from, even though we are slutty, it means a lot! And I respect a lot your country too, you guys understood maybe better that, at 18, we are not adults yet :')
Uhm, I think you must be kidding about Kristen Stewart because she is smiling all the time. That's why I say we shouldn't believe papers and stuff because, as Pattinson said recently, no matter how much she smiles (and trust me she does a lot), they will put the only picture where she doesn't. That's a shame but it's also a shame that everybody believes it's like that... Besides, she is very sociable, always joking around, and stuff... She smokes, well, like almost everyone at her age and even under her age. I think she's old enough to smoke and that's her choice. Then drugs, I guess that's what happen when you're famous and when it's so easy to try it. I don't think that she's a drug addict like Lindsay Lohan, though.
As for Miley Cyrus, I don't like her but I didn't like Hannah Montana more than that, since I was already too old for that lol She signed up for that when she was young, I think her mistake was to go on even though it wasn't for her anymore. She disappointed a lot of people. On the other hand, who knows what happens in Disney. They all seem to run away from it as soon as they can... I agree that Miley Cyrus is acting slutty and stuff but, doesn't it remind you of Britney Spears? Christina Aguilera? They were stuck in that pop-idol and cute thingy and that's how they escaped. And everybody was all "OMG, what a slut, she was a model for the youth" at that time.
Having to be perfect all the time must be such a burden when you are growing up and trying to find who you are. That's why I believe that, with time, Miley Cyrus will calm down and find her own style. So, well, I don't hate her, I try to see things from where she stands and I feel lucky to be me, actually.
You should see how young girls dress up here, in the streets, though. Miley Cyrus won't shock at all. I guess that's just nowadays mainstream fashion, we notice it on her because she's famous, but trust me, she isn't more slutty that some girls I saw today... But I understand your point, if she was a model for you, you must be really disappointed. Just keep hope :)
Also, here, in France, the legal age is 18 so... what an 18 girl do might be shocking when she's supposed to be under age, but, here, starting 18, you are an adult. I guess that's why it's also hard for me to see things like an American would... So thanks for explaining your point of view :)
Unicorn Lover (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/05/13 | Reply
I'm glad you agree :3 Thanks ;)
Otakuite | Posted 09/05/13 | Reply
Very well said.. *applause*
Unicorn Lover (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/02/12 | Reply
Ok ! Je suis en Science du Langage, Lettres Modernes. (Et je ne pense pas que je puisse faire n'importe quel domaine haha mais merci beaucoup! ♥)
Je n'ai eu qu'un dossier à donner et j'étais prise d'office comme j'ai validé mes trois ans de Licence :)
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/02/12 | Reply
Mon domaine à moi c'est le Management, et j'effectue le stage dans une entreprise spécialisée dans le Conseil et Formation aux entreprises(donc du genre B to B comme on le dit dans les cours du marketing)!
Et toi qu'a tu choisit, Art et Culture,Langue ou Management International?
(pour moi vu ton niveau intellectuel et de culture général tu peut faire n’importe quel domaine,et tes parents doivent certainement être fière de toi
Et comment a été ton entretient pour la sélection(ou présélection) de candidature?
Je suis sure que tu t'en ai sortis à merveille!
Unicorn Lover (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/29/12 | Reply
Dommage ! En plus, je suis à Lyon 2 cette année ;) Bon courage pour tes stages, tu les fais dans quel domaine?
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/29/12 | Reply
Ben, j'ai foiré mon inscription à Lyon 2 (j’étais toujours en déplacement donc j'ai raté les Dates limite)et maintenant je collectionne les petits stage en Algérie.
Le fait de raté mon inscription ne me fait ni chaud ni froid, mais j'ai mal
quand je pense que j'ai raté l’occasion de te voir en personne,Oh ma princesse
Unicorn Lover (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/26/12 | Reply
Merci beaucoup ! :)
Et mon année université a plus ou moins bien commencé! Et toi?
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/26/12 | Reply
J'ai lu ce que tu à ecrit,c'est claire et net je crois que c'est d'un niveau journalistique,en effet tu à beaucoup de talent quant on parle d'art ou de l'actualité people ou simplement journalistique.
En Outre je n'ai pas d'avis à donnée car le suis hermetiquement clos aux infos peoples,normal car je suis trop fière pour envier les Stars ou tout outre personne,(à l'exception de quelque amis comme toi qui sont bourrés de talent).
D'un outre coté comment à debuté ton année unversitaire?
J'espere que tous va bien!
Unicorn Lover (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/24/12 | Reply
Watching things like that is a good way to know them better! I love Daniel's interviews too and also Tom [Felton] seems to be such a funny and witty guy <3
I should check that Carrie Underwood's works, then :) I might like it!
Lol, yup, we have a "legally have sex" age! It was 15 before, now it's 16. I believe the legal age to drink beers or wine was also 15, but now it's 18. Whatever I was already 18 when it changed :p But most countries have that, here. I think that in Poland, it's 15. Basically, it's 15-16 in Europe. A good way to prevent early sex, I guess!
Let me believe that Europe is the birth place of floozies! Everyone seems to believe that Europe is all flowers and rainbows and fashion and romance and unicorns, it's a good way to show that we are like everyone XD
Unicorn Lover (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/24/12 | Reply
You should look on youtube for her interviews and stuff, they are really funny :) And, yeah, she seems like a nice girl to hang out with. She must be a very nice person in real life.
Haha, well, if I have an opinion, it's normal that I know what to say about it. Or else, I wouldn't have an opinion. Like for Lindsay Lohan, who is really hated, I don't like her and I don't hate her. I just don't feel interested in what she's doing more than that. I didn't even see at least 3 movies with her in it but she was okay in them so... But I noticed that a lot of Disney celebrities wanted a great change after that or just broke down (like Demi Lovato). Considering that, I wonder who really is Miley, it seems like her true self is hiding behind a mask that she use to find herself. But, hey, maybe I'm wrong. Anyway, I still like her music, even though I didn't like Tamed, because I like her grainy voice.
Sometimes, I am so ashamed of those 16 years old girls dressing up so lightly and walking around as if it was normal. When they are 18, it's not that I don't care, but I think that they are old enough to face the consequences (even though, at 16, you can legally have sex here) since they are considered adults by the society. I think that the medias and everything are what changed the youth. What I had when I was young and what they have now is completely different. It's like in 2-3 years, we had an other childhood. It's creepy, actually...
You're welcome! Thanks to you for that amazing chat :) And thanks for respecting where I come from,
even though we are slutty, it means a lot! And I respect a lot your country too, you guys understood maybe better that, at 18, we are not adults yet :')Let's spread love <3
Unicorn Lover (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/24/12 | Reply
Uhm, I think you must be kidding about Kristen Stewart because she is smiling all the time. That's why I say we shouldn't believe papers and stuff because, as Pattinson said recently, no matter how much she smiles (and trust me she does a lot), they will put the only picture where she doesn't. That's a shame but it's also a shame that everybody believes it's like that... Besides, she is very sociable, always joking around, and stuff... She smokes, well, like almost everyone at her age and even under her age. I think she's old enough to smoke and that's her choice. Then drugs, I guess that's what happen when you're famous and when it's so easy to try it. I don't think that she's a drug addict like Lindsay Lohan, though.
As for Miley Cyrus, I don't like her but I didn't like Hannah Montana more than that, since I was already too old for that lol She signed up for that when she was young, I think her mistake was to go on even though it wasn't for her anymore. She disappointed a lot of people. On the other hand, who knows what happens in Disney. They all seem to run away from it as soon as they can... I agree that Miley Cyrus is acting slutty and stuff but, doesn't it remind you of Britney Spears? Christina Aguilera? They were stuck in that pop-idol and cute thingy and that's how they escaped. And everybody was all "OMG, what a slut, she was a model for the youth" at that time.
Having to be perfect all the time must be such a burden when you are growing up and trying to find who you are. That's why I believe that, with time, Miley Cyrus will calm down and find her own style. So, well, I don't hate her, I try to see things from where she stands and I feel lucky to be me, actually.
You should see how young girls dress up here, in the streets, though. Miley Cyrus won't shock at all. I guess that's just nowadays mainstream fashion, we notice it on her because she's famous, but trust me, she isn't more slutty that some girls I saw today... But I understand your point, if she was a model for you, you must be really disappointed. Just keep hope :)
Also, here, in France, the legal age is 18 so... what an 18 girl do might be shocking when she's supposed to be under age, but, here, starting 18, you are an adult. I guess that's why it's also hard for me to see things like an American would... So thanks for explaining your point of view :)