Very nice wallpaper but your text is seriously hard to read. I sometimes have trouble reading hard to see words. I wear glasses and sometimes even when I'm up close to something, I have a hard time reading words or separating images. This is the case with your wallpaper. I would suggest a bit more contrast between the text and the background. It would make your message easier to see. Also the girl blends in too much too. A drop shadow would take care of that. I'm just trying give some suggestions that could make this wallpaper better. I really like it though. I think it is very beautiful and expresses you well. Good luck in challenge.
Rainbow Dragon
☠Eastsider✰Pirate☠ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/13/12 | Reply
Very nice wallpaper but your text is seriously hard to read. I sometimes have trouble reading hard to see words. I wear glasses and sometimes even when I'm up close to something, I have a hard time reading words or separating images. This is the case with your wallpaper. I would suggest a bit more contrast between the text and the background. It would make your message easier to see. Also the girl blends in too much too. A drop shadow would take care of that. I'm just trying give some suggestions that could make this wallpaper better. I really like it though. I think it is very beautiful and expresses you well. Good luck in challenge.
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 10/13/12 | Reply
Haha, no thanks.
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/13/12 | Reply
At first I was like: "Huh!? Where's Usagi?" And then I saw.
Fail.Anyway this awesome! Thank you entering in my challenge!I'm a vampire!