I'll be honest with you that I've not exactly had the best luck with steampunk books. However, I did read Soulless - the first in a five book series by Gail Carriger - and enjoyed it. It is of the steampunk/paranormal/romance genre. A little heavy on the romance for me, but I liken it to chick-flick movies and did like it. If you don't mind steampunk of the fantasy variety, I highly recommend the Heirs of Ash trilogy by Rich Wulf. It takes place in the Eberron setting of D&D but is a very catchy, well written series. While it isn't true steampunk, the setting does borrow strongly from it - even to the degree of having airships and trains, both which run on magic. I haven't gotten to it yet, but next on my list to purchase is Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld - first in a same titled trilogy. Sorry I couldn't be more help. I have an ever growing list of books to read but…Well, the first few I've tried in this genre has turned out epically bad - which kind of makes it difficult to show true interest in steampunk novels.
Thank you. I did have a lot of fun with this challenge and I'm glad you like my wallpaper.
As for steampunk suggestions... What are you looking for? (Anime, live action shows, movies, books, music?) If it is anime, Last Exile is the most steampunk that I've found - and it's a show that I really enjoyed.
Wow! This looks super awesome! I'm glad you made it your personal wallpaper and enjoyed this challenge. Thank you very much for entering in my challenge!
I don't usually find a lot of steampunk. Do you have any good suggestions?
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/18/12 | Reply
Thank you very much. I'll have to check them out.
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 12/18/12 | Reply
I'll be honest with you that I've not exactly had the best luck with steampunk books. However, I did read Soulless - the first in a five book series by Gail Carriger - and enjoyed it. It is of the steampunk/paranormal/romance genre. A little heavy on the romance for me, but I liken it to chick-flick movies and did like it. If you don't mind steampunk of the fantasy variety, I highly recommend the Heirs of Ash trilogy by Rich Wulf. It takes place in the Eberron setting of D&D but is a very catchy, well written series. While it isn't true steampunk, the setting does borrow strongly from it - even to the degree of having airships and trains, both which run on magic. I haven't gotten to it yet, but next on my list to purchase is Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld - first in a same titled trilogy. Sorry I couldn't be more help. I have an ever growing list of books to read but…Well, the first few I've tried in this genre has turned out epically bad - which kind of makes it difficult to show true interest in steampunk novels.
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/08/12 | Reply
Your welcome! I'm looking for books!
I'm a vampire!
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 12/06/12 | Reply
Thank you. I did have a lot of fun with this challenge and I'm glad you like my wallpaper.
As for steampunk suggestions... What are you looking for? (Anime, live action shows, movies, books, music?) If it is anime, Last Exile is the most steampunk that I've found - and it's a show that I really enjoyed.
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/05/12 | Reply
Wow! This looks super awesome! I'm glad you made it your personal wallpaper and enjoyed this challenge. Thank you very much for entering in my challenge!
I don't usually find a lot of steampunk. Do you have any good suggestions?
I'm a vampire!