How's THAT simple 030 It's s-so pretty ;_; Thankuuu so much Yuko~chan. I love it. I like blue wallies and the text fits perfectly, it's just the right size. Nice rendering~
Thanx a lot for this (▰◕▽◕)ノシ Hehe, no worries. I still haven't submitted my valentine's gifts either. *shot*
typical Madao (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/24/13 | Reply
thank you so much for pretty comment, Asuka-chan! I'm very glad that you like it。◕ ‿ ◕。
Otaku Legend | Posted 02/23/13 | Reply
How's THAT simple 030 It's s-so pretty ;_; Thankuuu so much Yuko~chan. I love it. I like blue wallies and the text fits perfectly, it's just the right size. Nice rendering~
Thanx a lot for this (▰◕▽◕)ノシ Hehe, no worries. I still haven't submitted my valentine's gifts either.