wow! ^v^ Thank you for dedicating this to me! I'm so happy about that XD I think this is really meant for me. I don't have any talents except for shopping (i know its not even a talent XD) I really love shopping for new clothes (but not spending too much x))
Thanks again. And keep making wonderful wallies :>
Vanilla Cupcake
Otakuite+ | Posted 06/27/13 | Reply
Aww~ Your welcome! I am SO glad you like it!! XD
Haha, I bet you are an awesome haggler! lol, shopping is one of the best things to do!
Grand Otaku | Posted 06/27/13 | Reply
wow! ^v^ Thank you for dedicating this to me! I'm so happy about that XD I think this is really meant for me. I don't have any talents except for shopping (i know its not even a talent XD) I really love shopping for new clothes (but not spending too much x))
Thanks again. And keep making wonderful wallies :>
Vanilla Cupcake
Otakuite+ | Posted 06/25/13 | Reply
Thank you so much Hifsa~!! XD
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/25/13 | Reply
Wow, really cool wallpaper