I am back :D
Thank you for comment ^_^ It's really nice to know that you liked it :3
Ehh, quolity... г_г I'd like to make it better, but the scan was of that size, so sorry for that
The Dreamer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/23/13 | Reply
Welcome back, Hanako It's great to have you back~ This is soo adorable, very different from your work before but still excellent work. The quality alone is reason enough to notice it, but the colors and texture are just perfectly cute!
Hanako Sho
Grand Otaku | Posted 07/24/13 | Reply
I am back :D
Thank you for comment ^_^ It's really nice to know that you liked it :3
Ehh, quolity... г_г I'd like to make it better, but the scan was of that size, so sorry for that
The Dreamer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/23/13 | Reply
Welcome back, Hanako
It's great to have you back~ This is soo adorable, very different from your work before but still excellent work. The quality alone is reason enough to notice it, but the colors and texture are just perfectly cute!