The Dreamer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/10/13 | Reply
Oooooh! Now this is prettttyyyyyy~~~ *downloads and adds to folder* Really nice job taking this scan to the next level, aka yuki. Next time, it would be nice to see more of your process on the description as well as reference any other things you used, such as how the beautiful background you've found was made. Really elegant complementary designs and the typography pushes the image to another level, a more blunt harsher, almost meloncholy level. Awesome work and definitely one of my favorites. I don't think this got rushed at all in the challenge. ^^
Last edited by Karmira at 5:10:20 PM EDT on September 10, 2013.
The Dreamer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/10/13 | Reply
Oooooh! Now this is prettttyyyyyy~~~ *downloads and adds to folder* Really nice job taking this scan to the next level, aka yuki. Next time, it would be nice to see more of your process on the description as well as reference any other things you used, such as how the beautiful background you've found was made. Really elegant complementary designs and the typography pushes the image to another level, a more blunt harsher, almost meloncholy level. Awesome work and definitely one of my favorites. I don't think this got rushed at all in the challenge. ^^
Last edited by Karmira at 5:10:20 PM EDT on September 10, 2013.