I'm glad for the criticism, but I never asked for it. My goal was not meant to make a "high resolution" wallpaper, in fact, it rarely is. My goal is to find something cool and make something cooler with it. If I want advice, I'll ask for it. Otherwise, please don't try and fix something that I don't believe is broken.
Idea is really freaking and awesome but why did you use so small materials and made that big resolutened wallpapers? 1920x1080 is really huge and with your scan's small(really small)resolution, wallie turns out to be too much blurry. I recommend you to decide your wallie's resolution considering textures and scans in your hand.
Grand Otaku | Posted 11/09/13 | Reply
@aurora witch:
I'm glad for the criticism, but I never asked for it. My goal was not meant to make a "high resolution" wallpaper, in fact, it rarely is. My goal is to find something cool and make something cooler with it. If I want advice, I'll ask for it. Otherwise, please don't try and fix something that I don't believe is broken.
aurora witch
Endless Witch (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/09/13 | Reply
Idea is really freaking and awesome but why did you use so small materials and made that big resolutened wallpapers? 1920x1080 is really huge and with your scan's small(really small)resolution, wallie turns out to be too much blurry. I recommend you to decide your wallie's resolution considering textures and scans in your hand.
Grand Otaku | Posted 11/08/13 | Reply
I flippin' love Anderson.
Local Demi-Fiend (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/08/13 | Reply
Yay Anderson! :D