This wallpaper is an absolute masterpiece! And I don't say that very often. I absolutely LOVE your vectoring style and I love how you vectored the character. I can really tell that you put a lot of hard work into this. And it paid off cause this is an absolute lovely wallpaper.
Two things I like the most are the crispness and details in the wallpaper and the absoluttely outstanding colors in the scenery and the character. Honestly enough words can't describe how much I love this. Phenomenal job, absolutely amazing. I've always wanted to create vector wallpapers like this. :)
Suit Lover (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/16/15 | Reply
This is a brilliant wallie with an amazing vector! Nice work! :D
Rainbow Dragon
☠Eastsider✰Pirate☠ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/15/15 | Reply
This wallpaper is an absolute masterpiece! And I don't say that very often. I absolutely LOVE your vectoring style and I love how you vectored the character. I can really tell that you put a lot of hard work into this. And it paid off cause this is an absolute lovely wallpaper.
I've always wanted to create vector wallpapers like this. :)
Two things I like the most are the crispness and details in the wallpaper and the absoluttely outstanding colors in the scenery and the character. Honestly enough words can't describe how much I love this. Phenomenal job, absolutely amazing.