This is a really beautiful wallpaper, and very well done. I like the use of colors and images combined in this very whimsical way. I especially love the colors.
However I regret to inform you that I notice a few things missing from your wallpaper.
1: Links to the sources you used to make said wallpaper.
2: The tag mentioned in the rules is not present in your tags.
I am giving you a chance to fix these things. However, if I don't see these things corrected by the end of tomorrow I will have no choice but to disqualify your entry and that is the LAST thing I want to do considering the work you have clearly put into your wallpaper. Please consider this your only warning, thank you.
Last edited by Judai Winchester at 11:09:57 PM EDT on April 16, 2016.
Rainbow Dragon
☠Eastsider✰Pirate☠ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/16/16 | Reply
This is a really beautiful wallpaper, and very well done. I like the use of colors and images combined in this very whimsical way. I especially love the colors.
However I regret to inform you that I notice a few things missing from your wallpaper.
1: Links to the sources you used to make said wallpaper.
2: The tag mentioned in the rules is not present in your tags.
I am giving you a chance to fix these things. However, if I don't see these things corrected by the end of tomorrow I will have no choice but to disqualify your entry and that is the LAST thing I want to do considering the work you have clearly put into your wallpaper. Please consider this your only warning, thank you.
Last edited by Judai Winchester at 11:09:57 PM EDT on April 16, 2016.