I personally think that this is a very nice wallpaper. It uses simple, but effective colors, something that I am more fond of, but have rarely actually implemented in my own work. :D
Speaking of rain, that reminds me one of my wallpapers that I have done long ago. I think that I have used a similar technique, where I would actually copy the rain from someplace else, and than try to match the aspect of the scan.
Also I remembered that your birthday is tomorrow. Hopefully it won't be rainy.^^
Mind Reader (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/24/16 | Reply
Thank you very much ^^
Haha so I'm not the only one who's done it this way, good to know xD
It wasn't ^^ Sorry I replied so late though
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/21/16 | Reply
I personally think that this is a very nice wallpaper. It uses simple, but effective colors, something that I am more fond of, but have rarely actually implemented in my own work. :D
Speaking of rain, that reminds me one of my wallpapers that I have done long ago. I think that I have used a similar technique, where I would actually copy the rain from someplace else, and than try to match the aspect of the scan.
Also I remembered that your birthday is tomorrow. Hopefully it won't be rainy.^^
Mind Reader (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/17/16 | Reply
Thank you!♡
Suit Lover (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/17/16 | Reply
*instant favourite and download*