Title: Time Limit Series: Midori No Hibi Character: Seiji and Midori Details: I wanted to have a bit of fun with this image adding some brushwork to pull together a theme of romance and darkness at the same time. From the beginning of the manga Midori looks upon her predicament of being turned into Seiji's right hand as a dream come true, while Seiji takes a less optimistic standpoint. So I wanted to show a bit of this in the piece. Adding to the notes of love and the book of poetry, I darkened the roses to a deep shade of black and added the ever ticking timepiece. Credits: Original Scan from the manga. Brushes from BioRust.com.
Jaguar (Wallpaper Portfolio) Times Up
1024x768 | 800x600
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- Created
- 04/19/07
- Category
- Midori no Hibi Wallpapers
- Tags
- midori, sawamura, seiji
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