This is the "poem" Natsuo and Youji recite when they corner Soubi in Loveless, volume two.In case you have trouble reading the text, the poem reads:"Our name is Zero.We are the beginning and the end. We are everything and we are nothing. We shall give you pain and suffering. We shall send your existance back to nothing."(In the manga, there is actually no "we are" before the first 'nothing,' but I added it to make it flow a little better. And of course, Hope you like it, enjoy. =)P.S. Please comment!! ;D
Puppydog2004295 (Wallpaper Portfolio)
We Are Zero

1024x768 | 800x600
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- Created
- 07/02/07
- Category
- Loveless Wallpapers
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- loveless, natsuo, yoji, youji, zero
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