I really like Kaleido Star and so far my two favorite characters are Sora and Layla.I liked how at the beginning Layla acknoweledged when Sora pulled off the Golden Phoenix rouine that supposedly only Miss Layla could do.Sora proved them wrong and over came the odds and proved that she has what it takes. Sora is alot like Yugi and Joey in alot of ways because she never gives up.She's willing to test the odds and win. Layla is kind of like Kaiba in some ways but in some ways she's kind of like Mai.Layla is like Kaiba because at the beginning she wasn't willing to give Sora a chance.Sora did have a good reason for being late.She came all the way from Japan for crying out loud.Also she was trying to find The Kaleido Stage.I can kind of see Layla's point but then I can't. Layla decided to give Sora a chance because she was shocked that she could actually do the Golden Phoenix.She was a little mad because she thought that she was the only one who is supposed to know how to do it.Sora can do it too.She worked hard and practiced in a week's time.At the end she fell into the net but she never gave up and did it.Sora and Layla are like Yugi,Joey,and Kaiba in alot of ways.I ain't gonna explain this time.Some other time.Layla and Sora are truely warriors.
Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) Layla & Sora
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- Created
- 07/08/07
- Category
- Kaleido Star Wallpapers
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- kaleidostar, layla, sora
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