Anime: Nightwalker Characters: Riho and Shunichi Title: Last Goodbye More: Yo! I made this wall...lastnight? I can't exactly remember if it was lastnight or the night before...Oh well! Ya can probably guess that I love this anime *nods* because my user name for almost everything is always riho88riho, where the riho came from my favorite character's name...Riho...xD Anyway! This is the wall I made for her. I'm not a big fan of that coupling, just that Riho looked really nice in that pic. Though it was annoying exstracting it from the original picture. Enjoy!
riho88riho (Wallpaper Portfolio) Last Goodbye
1024x768 | 800x600
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- Created
- 07/12/07
- Category
- Nightwalker Wallpapers
- Tags
- night walker, nightwalker, riho, shunichi
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