Angel Zakuro (Wallpaper Portfolio) Karin Of The Moon

Karin Of The Moon
1024x768 | 800x600

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A request and birthday gift for Angel Asuka! ^_^ Her current theme is Karin, and she really likes the anime, so yeah. Very cool. I'm proud of this one!! I made it similar to my last one since that seemed to be a good style that would match. XD Sorry, Lys, I made this one similar to yours with those "Robin hood" umm...stone...wall dealies. *laugh* Like she's standing up at the top of a castle or something. Anyhoo, it was very hard to find a good image of Karin!! SO HARD. So what I did was I just extracted/cut out this image of Karin from Geneon's wallpapers. It was an image used on one of the DVD's. I liked it because the resolution is very clear! So after that painstaking mess (using ye ol' liquify tool and clone stamp), I worked on the bg. Used brushes like before and that same moon image I used in my last one (except I changed the color and added different effects). For the sky, I made it all black (er...really dark blue), and then I added a gradient over it of navy to have that difference in color...for the stars, I just used some brushes that Photoshop comes with. I hope you like it!! ^_^ It took err...2 hours? Yeah, total 2 hours to get everything together and then made! Happy belated birthday, Ali-chan!

Chibi Vampire Wallpapers
chibi vampire, girl, karin, moon, night, red, vampire
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