-Unspoken Bond- Fully vectored desu~ I vectored Lacus and Cagalli, then vectored the sakura petals from a Cardcaptor Sakura scan. This wall was originally for a friendship walling contest but the contest was cancelled. I also entered it in the Clyne Faction walling contest. Time: 16 hrs 15 mins Layers: 61 Other resolutions, full description, and alternate versions available here: http://www.animepaper.net/gallery/wallpapers/ASH-Hikari/item62074/ Thanks for vieweing!
ASH Hikari (Wallpaper Portfolio)
Unspoken Bond

1024x768 | 800x600
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- Created
- 08/19/07
- Category
- Gundam SEED Wallpapers
- Tags
- cagalli, gundam seed, lacus
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- 98 votes
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