Homsar88 (Wallpaper Portfolio) Bring Sexy Back!

Bring Sexy Back!
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I made this yesterday but was too lazy to submit it...lol.... Well yesterday when I was changing my theme I didt about a MILLION times before I got what I wanted. I couldnt find this image anywhere skewed or made into a wallpaper and so I thought why dont I make one? Besides it was kinda fun...especially since it's ecchi(not just hentai but still kinda pervy type stuff) and of Rukia!!! What's not to love? I mean...I love it anyways...well her if anything...*shifty eyes* Err...umm, ahem where were we???? *shiftier eyes* Well as must of you can tell I kinda screwed it on the shoes...well at least it isnt bad as it could be...like if I gave Rukia an enlarged forehead on accident or something... Today nothing much happened at school though there were a few funny incidents I wanna post about...so yeah here are some: 1. Today cherries has risen to a whole new level of inside joke-age! Not only have we installed whipped cream in ther joke(actually we came up w/ that a little while ago) but now we have bananas!!! It's pure genius!!! XDDD 2. Today in science that one kid who's name I refuse to mention started bugging me in my science class....and while I was working. :( Come on! I totally have4 enough problems focusing as it is!!! Anyways, while he was talking and while I was trying to study and whatnot and the teacher told him that he should be working and I was like "OHHH! Burn!!!" And he was raising his eyebrow and like "You got burned?" So I responded in the only way I knew how...I ignored him again!! Ha ha!!! 3. Also when I was giving him his paper back(bare w/ Im too lazy to explain the situation) and I licked it before I give it to him and stuff...my friend Kellie gave me a high5 and stuff. And the dude asks "Did you blow your nose in it?" and Im like "No" w/ a huge grin on my face. After that he made a million stupid guesses and I finally decided to tell him that I licked his paper and he's like "OH! I thought you sat on it!" OMG...it was so dumb.....DX 4. Kellie said Im like Kakashi. (O__o) And me and animelover12344 were like "Kakashi-sensei!!" *inside joke* and the dude who was bugging was like "WHAT? Kakashi-sensei dies????" Im very sure he doesnt and anyways I said "You watch Naruto?" He says "Kinda" I went on on a half-rant about it being boring and very repetitive and then he started denying liking the series and stuff...d*mn, what f*cked up b*stard...there's NOTHING wrong w/ being a Narutard there IS however something wrong w/ being a hypocrite. 5. In 2nd hour, my friend Miroku-san invited me to go to a con here in Minnesota w/ him. Im going to have to ask my mom about it though since I dont really talk about him around the house...idk...I guess I dont talk much at all really. XD Well Im gonna ask anyways besides I here Ill be getting more info once Manga Clube starts. 6. I wanna get some Narutard figures for our "roleplay"(Emily probably gets what Im talking about)....especialy since our Too Cool is closing!! D*mmit!!! Must buy pocky, anime, and the miniature figurines before it's too late!!!! DDDDDDDDDX Ummm yeah....thats it. Well I hope you liked(or better yet actually viewed andf read) my wally and caption. Comments? Downloads? Faves? Gelatin? Spreading the infection. Homsar88.

Bleach Wallpapers
bleach, cute, ecchi, rukia, sexy
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