Title: Sweet Dreams are made of this (inspired from Eurythmics' song)
Finally! Here is a wallpaper made solely with brushes and stock images! No textures were used whatsoever! I didn't think I could do it, since I'm practically addicted to textures! But I love the result!
I don't remember where I got the brushes from, but I got the stock image for the background from SXC.hu, the god of all stock photos ^^ And the PNG is from Graceful Lament.
That's about all I have to say for this one. I enjoyed making a red + black + white wallpaper, I adore the combination! And it was a nice change to skip some use of textures, but I don't think I'll do it again - most of the time it took to make this wallpaper I spent looking for the right brushes through my collection! (I think I have over 300 ^^") Thank you for the comments and faves in advance!