Title: Just an ordinary girl...in an extraordinary land
The title isn't inspired by a song, although I'm sure there's a song along the lines of that title. Didn't feel like doing another song illustration, I'm saving my better skills for those :]
Yay, all available resolutions again! Though I don't like the widescreen version this time, it cuts off the beauty of the background - and that's exactly the part I focused more on!
The 2 textures from the background are from Squidfingers, the 2 stock photos from sxc.hu and the scan of Suzuna from Minitokyo, I think. Basically, I didn't use anything aside the things I mentioned above. I filtered stuff like mad (not an usual thing for me, I love textures more than I love filters ^.^)
Last words: I'm happy I made another Carnelian wallpaper, I love her art. And Moonlight Lady is so underrated. So what if it's hentai? The artwork is amazing. So I'll be doing more wallpapers like this one!
P.S. The "dot-after-title" series was slightly interrupted, but I promise I'll get back on track XD I had to submit this because I love it to pieces. Bigger resolutions at my site (www.cornerofart.webs.com) - when I update it.