Title: Three Friends Forever Characters: Mitsuki (Age-13-Form), Takuto, and Meroko Series: Full Moon The wallpaper looks best in 1280x1024 The cutout was from dixy-dixy.org, and the different brushes were from too many places to name. If need be I can tell you where I got each one from (I think). Anyway! The majority of the wallpaper is different shades of blues, mostly because I love Takuto and his eyes and costume and lots of blues in it! So in a WAY the background of the wallpaper is kinda centered around him. I tried throwing in some red for the girls, but it just made it look TOO busy and over did it a tad bit. So I took the red out and just stuck to different shades of blues. This is the first wallpaper I've made in awhile, but I hope you all like it and, enjoy!
riho88riho (Wallpaper Portfolio)
Three Friends Forever

1024x768 | 800x600
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