Hmmm�I haven�t made any Negima wallpapers in a long time. And I think now is the time. And I�ll start off with this! This wallpaper is for Angel Zakuro's early birthdayu present since i wont be on that much this weekend. Anyways this is one of those not-so-simple wallpapers. Believe it or not this took probably 3 weeks! I guess I was so busy I had no time to work on it. Well anyways the BG wasn�t easy. It took a lot of time. First I made it simple blue, then started putting random dots (which took forever._.), and a few special effects and VIOLA!! Clouds weren�t simple and easy to make either. I never got used to making clouds like these before but I needed something like that to fit the character�s position. Well i hope you guys like this one, enjoy!_!
9Breaker (Wallpaper Portfolio) !_!
1024x768 | 800x600
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