Title: Rockstars Series: Gundam Seed & Destiny Characters: Dearka, Yzak, Kira, Athrun My Comment: Oh boy was this wallpaper exciting to make. ^-^ I made it, you could say, from scratch. The image itself isn't mine, but I did cut it out and put two separate images together to make it. (I've got the PNG up on my site for others to use) The trouble it took me to cut this dang picture out was forever it felt like...really it only took me a few hours. Most of this wall was made from scratch, the background of the wallpaper I took one of those Gradients from Paint Shop Pro (the one that goes from white and lightest blue to darker blue) and I added stars on top of it. So the background by itself took awhile, but it was worth it if you ask me. NEXT I put the PNG on my newly made background, brightened the whole image, sharpened it all, and finally added a soften focus twice. And Lastly I added the lights. ^-^ Like I said, the PNG took awhile but the overall wallpaper didn't take but two, maybe two and a half hours. Feel free to comment and tell me your thoughts and opinions. The best to view it in was 1600x1200, but seeing as I can't upload one that big to the site, it'll have to be reserved for my site along then, lol. Enjoy!
riho88riho (Wallpaper Portfolio) Rockstars
1024x768 | 800x600
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- Created
- 11/15/07
- Category
- Gundam SEED Wallpapers
- Tags
- athrun, dearka, kira, rockstars, singing, yzak
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